
péng dà
  • expand;inflate;swell;intamescentia
膨大 [péng dà]
  • [swell;inflate] 胀大

膨大[péng dà]
  1. 在不同的喷钙处理中,幼果期和膨大期均喷钙的处理效果最好,其次为幼果期喷钙。

    But no marked positive correlation among the different spraying calcium , the effect of spraying calcium in young fruit and expand fruit stage .

  2. 输乳管在乳头处较为狭窄,继之膨大为壶腹,称为输乳管窦,有储存乳汁的作用。

    Canal is defeated by breast is in in the tit relatively narrow , the expand of afterwards is crock abdomen , call hole of canal is defeated by breast , have store galactic action .

  3. 靠近生长着的稍皮内有水浸出点,使该处膨大

    Water-soaked exuding spots occur in the bark near the growing shoot tips .

  4. 黑穗醋栗果实在膨大时期吸~(32)P的特点研究

    Research on Absorption of 32 P During the Expanding Period of Black Currant

  5. 腰膨大动脉多层螺旋CT血管成像扫描延迟时间的研究

    Study on scan delay time of multi-slice CT angiography in visualization of the artery of Adamkiewicz

  6. CT诊断标准为脾动脉局限性膨大1.5倍或以上且与正常脾动脉节段之间界限分明。

    The diagnostic criteria of SAA was clearly demarcated enlargement of splenic artery (≥ . 5 folds ) .

  7. 早实核桃叶片P含量在展叶期期间铵态氮肥对其影响较好,果实膨大期和硬核期为尿素对其影响较好。

    Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer had good influence on leaf P content in leaf-expansion stage , while urea in fruit-expansion stage and hard stone stage .

  8. 膨大期,叶鞘内总糖的含量显著大于叶片中总糖的含量,增加达18.1%(P<0.05);

    During inflation stage , total-sugar content of sheathes was higher ( above 18.1 % ) than that of leaves ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 干物质中P、K含量的变化总体呈下降趋势,N的含量在孕茭膨大期有一个激增过程。

    Contents of P , K in dry matter basically decreased , but that of N increased dramatically during the pregnant period .

  10. 多效唑(PP(333))对山葵根茎膨大和内源激素含量的影响

    Effects of PP_ ( 333 ) on Enlargement and Contents of Endogenous Hormones in Wasabi Rhizome

  11. 试验设置五组处理:①CK(H2O浸种+块根膨大期喷施H2O);

    The study designed five treatments . ① CK ( soaking with H2O + spraying with H2O );

  12. 果实中Vc含量在幼果期较高,从幼果膨大时下降到较低水平,近成熟时又迅速上升。

    The content of Vitamin C dropped in early development stage , and it increased evidently before harvest .

  13. 膨大剂处理使葡萄果实中可溶性糖、有机酸和维生素C的含量略有下降,增加果实的糖酸比,对葡萄果实的品质无太大影响。

    The treatments of swelling agent reduce the solvable sugar content , acid content and Vc content , increase sugar acid ratio and show little influence on quality .

  14. 过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在荚果膨大初期最高,随着荚果发育而逐渐降低。

    CAT activity was the highest in the early stage of shell rapid inflation , then decreased with the shell development .

  15. 秋冬茬和冬春茬番茄对全N、P和K的吸收量均呈单峰曲线,果实膨大期达到最大值。

    The content of uptake to total N , P and K was a single peak curve , the maximum appeared at the fruit formation stage .

  16. 膨大过程中3品种IAA和SA含量均呈极显著正相关;

    Furthermore , IAA content was significantly correlated with SA at 0.01 level during rhizome development .

  17. 设施果树CO2施肥的关键时期是新梢速长期,果实膨大期,果实着色期和果实成熟期;

    The stages of shoot-growing , fruit-inflating , fruit-rendering and fruit ripeness are the key periods of CO2 fertilization of greenhouse culture of fruit trees .

  18. TSH细胞内质网膨大成泡状;

    Endoplasmic reticulum in TSH cells expands to froth .

  19. BA促进子叶膨大生长,当BA浓度增大时根生长受到抑制;

    BA promoted enlargement of cotyledon and suppressed the growth of root as the concentration of BA was increased ;

  20. NaCl胁迫对菜用大豆种子膨大、抗氧化酶活性和活性氧代谢的影响

    Effects of NaCl Stress on Filling , Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Reactive Oxygen Metabolism in Seeds of Vegetable Soybean

  21. 临床表现为慢性、无症状性近端指间关节(PIP)周围膨大、肿胀。

    Clinical feature was chronic non-inflammatory bulbous swelling of proximal interphalangeal joints .

  22. 甘薯块根膨大过程中ATP酶活性、ATP和ABA含量的变化

    Changes of ATPase activity , ATP and ABA content in storage roots during storage root thickening of sweet potato

  23. 实验表明:随着膨大节数的增加,过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)的活性增加;

    Results showed that activities of POD and PPO increased with swelling of rhizome and delaying in harvesting date .

  24. 块根中ATP酶活性和ABA含量变化动态与块根膨大速率变化动态相似。

    The changing pattern of ATPase activity and ABA content were similar to that of the storage root thickening rate .

  25. 球托型(sphericaltorustype)。雄花的花托肉质化膨大,雄蕊着生于球状花托上的凹穴内。

    The torus of the staminate flower in the spherical_torus type becomes carnified and swollen with the stamen growing into the depressions or cavities of the spherical torus .

  26. 钙调素在IAA和6-BA诱导绿豆下胚轴原生质体膨大过程中的含量变化

    Changes in content of calmodulin in IAA-and 6-BA-Induced swelling of protoplasts from Hypocotyl in etiolated mung bean seedlings

  27. 为了研究不同温度对叶片细胞分裂的影响,我们利用流式细胞术测定了叶片细胞核DNA含量分布,并研究了细胞分裂和膨大相关基因对不同温度的响应。

    To investigate the effects of different temperature on leaf cell division , we analyzed leaf nuclear DNA content by flow cytometry and detected the response of genes expression in cell cycle and cell expansion .

  28. 目的:对15号染色体上控制小鼠脊髓颈膨大截面积的数量性状基因座(QTL)进行精细定位。

    Objective : To fine map quantitative trait loci controlling the cross section area of cervical enlargement on chromosome 15 of mice .

  29. GA含量在果实膨大期迅速下降,并于果实转色前(10月10日)下降到最低值,以后维持较低水平;

    The content of GA decreased rapidly during fruit expanding period and decreased minimum before fruit coloring ( October , 10 ), after that maintained a lower level .

  30. 具P3;颊齿齿冠低,主尖明显,但不膨大,齿凹开阔;

    P3 present cheek teeth lower crowned , with distinct but not swollen main cusps and broad sinuses ;