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Zhōnɡ kuí
  • Zhong Kui;Zhongkui, a deity supposed to chase off demons
钟馗 [zhōng kuí]
  • [Zhong Kui(Chung Kuei)] 中国民间传说中能打鬼驱除邪祟的神。旧时民间常挂钟馗的像

  1. 作为一种节日风俗,钟馗捉鬼给人们留下了很深的印象。

    The festival custom that Zhong Kui catches ghosts is impressive .

  2. 人们以钟馗命名也仅取其辟邪之意。

    People named with Zhong Kui only took its meaning of demon-quelling .

  3. 钟馗为了感恩,把妹妹嫁给了杜平。

    Zhong Kui married off his little sister to Du Ping in return .

  4. 钟馗暴跳如雷,当场自杀,死后就成了捉鬼的神灵。

    Furious , Zhong Kui killed himself and became the spirit of catching ghosts .

  5. 当年有一幅《钟馗嫁妹》图,在民间是十分流行的。

    The Picture of Zhong Kui Marrying off his Sister was very popular at that time .

  6. 又说,钟馗死后,他的同乡好友杜平为他安葬。

    Another saying is that his town fellow , Du Ping buried him after his death .

  7. 钟馗的画和有关钟馗的传说故事、戏曲小说,更加异彩纷呈、引人入胜。

    The pictures , legends , traditional operas , and novels relating to Zhong Kui are various and appealing .

  8. 本章探讨了钟馗信仰至宋代完善的过程。

    Through the summary of the materials , this part discusses the improvement of Zhong Kui Faith in the song dynasty .

  9. 有关钟馗的神话和故事历代不衰,钟馗的身世也被演绎得丰富多彩。

    The concerned Zhong Kui 's myth and story all previous dynasties do not fade , Zhong Kui 's life experience is also deducted richly colorful .

  10. 这时觉得那钟馗,那恶鬼,姑姑和兰花,连同我们自己俩,都成了鬼故事中的人物了。

    I had the feeling that Zhongkui , the ghost , Second Aunt , Orchid and the two of us were all characters out of a ghost story .

  11. 古人以为钟馗是捉鬼的能人,在家里挂上他的像,妖魔鬼怪就不敢进来了。

    The ancient Chinese thought that Zhong Kui was capable of eliminating ghosts and demons , and hanging his portrait up in their homes could keep off evil spirits .

  12. 将钟馗画中的钟馗形象与钟馗起源、钟馗传说结合起来,使钟馗画的发展演变能更清晰的呈现。

    Zhong Kui painted image of Zhong Kui and the origin of Zhong Kui , ZhongKui legends combines the development of Zhong Kui painted can be more clearly presented .