
  1. 有许多人仍钟意于到苹果公司(AppleInc.)的iTunesStore音乐商店购买音乐,不受网上收听或订阅与否的限制。

    Plenty of people still prefer purchasing music a la Apple Inc. 's iTunes Store , where there aren 't restrictions due to streaming or subscriptions .

  2. 看着,不管怎么样,即将到来的NBA下赛季会比你之前见过的更加不同。不管你钟意与否,这些变化会使NBA更有趣。

    Either way you look at it , the upcoming NBA season will look very different than what we 're used to seeing and that can make it fun , whether we like the changes or not .

  3. 我唔知道,我钟意好多东西。

    I don 't know , I liked so many things .

  4. 我钟意这个创意,因为市长议会

    and I love that idea , because a parliament of mayors

  5. 那么,他说过那是他最钟意的地方。

    Well , he said it was his favorite place .

  6. 入住康桥商务宾馆是您商务、旅游钟意的选择。

    Cambridge business hotel is your hotel business , tourist attractie choice .

  7. 我最钟意系果间餐厅。

    My most favorite would probably be the diner .

  8. 你不喜欢冒险,偏偏这是射手座最钟意的。

    You don 't like to take risks , and Sagittarians thrive on chance .

  9. 从而使皇家钟意集团成为全球最大的油漆涂料生产供应商之一。

    Thus is NICE-Chemical becomes the global biggest paint coating to produce one of suppliers .

  10. 在导购的建议下买了一双十分钟意的鞋满意的回家了。

    Shopping guide for advice in buying a pair of shoes very Zhongyi satisfactory home .

  11. 如果我有机会出国,最钟意的目的地是意大利。

    If I have an opportunity to abroad , my favorite destination would be Italy .

  12. 还是适当地保持距离,暂时观察你所钟意的对象吧。

    Keep your distance and observe whoever you are interested in for the time being .

  13. 你最钟意的女人是谁?

    Who do you love most ?

  14. 这与他们的投资多元化有关,但也仅限于与他们相关并且他们钟意的资产类别。

    It is all about diversification but within an asset class to which they relate and like .

  15. 1903年皇家钟意落户美国,产品才开始在市面流通。

    In1903 imperial NICE-Chemical settled down US , the product only then starts in the market condition circulation .

  16. 今天,泛亚(中国)地区成为皇家钟意在世界的主要业务增长区域。

    Today , Pan-Asian ( China ) the area becomes imperial NICE-Chemical in the world primary service growth region .

  17. 尽管钟意骑马厮杀,这些弓骑兵有些时候仍会步行作战。

    Despite preferring to fight on horseback , these warriors have left their mounts behind to fight on foot .

  18. 女性也钟意拥有褐色头发和蓝眼睛的男性,但男性得记住,别让头发太长。

    Women too prefer brown hair and blue eyes , but men need to remember to keep it short .

  19. 但系有无可能咁做呢?删除唔钟意嘅,留下所有美好嘅记亿!

    But can this really happen ? Can we really choose to delete those unhappy memory and just remember those nice and lovely memory !

  20. 几乎所有的歌舞片中都有着那么一两段歌舞是观众所不熟识但又非常钟意的。

    Almost every musical film more or less has one or two song and dance that is not very familiar but very favored by the audience .

  21. 我由细到大都好钟意时装,每季都买唔停,依家比以前收敛好多啦!

    Since I was small , I have been very fond of fashion . I buy a lot of things every season . I am now restricting myself !

  22. 当告诉这些实验者他们喝的是百事的时候,其中的那些一直钟意可口可乐的人,做出了出人意料的事。

    When those people were told they where drinking Pepsi , a fraction of them , the ones who had enjoyed Coke all their lives , did something unexpected .

  23. 当地买家可能会不喜欢,因为它看起来并不新鲜,也没有现代感;但是可以肯定,我的前苏联客户很钟意这种风格。

    It might not be appealing to local buyers since it is not as fresh and modern-looking , but for sure it is the style of my clients from the former Soviet Union .

  24. 就购物而言,“承担风险”体现在,消费者在购物中断前即已买到钟意物品,即便物件价格远超你预想。

    As far as buying is concerned , this risk-taking comes in the form of buying the product you were considering before you were interrupted even if it was more than you wanted to pay .

  25. 而企业不会说:我们就是钟意对工人剥削程度更高的咖啡、添加杀虫剂的面包和污染更重的汽油,因此我们愿意低价销售,并接受较低的利润率。

    It is not acceptable for businesses to say , we are such fans of exploitative coffee , pesticide-laced loaves and dirtier petrol that we 're willing to discount them and accept a lower profit margin .

  26. 那些一下子拿不到西方国家签证的人,则往往选择暂居东欧、拉美和非洲的小国,同时择机搬到他们钟意的最终目的地。

    Those who could not immediately secure visas for western countries often chose to stay in small countries in eastern Europe , Latin America and Africa while they waited for a chance to move to their final intended destination .

  27. 爱情词典里,好像精神和肉体是不能分的,我期望和爱人能充分融合,哪怕在一起平淡寡味,也比两地相思更让我钟意。

    I love the dictionary , like the spirit and the flesh is not divided , and I look forward to the full integration of love , even with plain Guawei , but also gives me more than two Acacia Zhongyi .

  28. 为什么会这个战术呢基本上来说虽然很多人钟意于微调但发现临场指挥有很多选择而且并不是执行的那么出色。

    Why use this set then ? . Well , basically , its for users that likes the idea of being if charge , using micro management but feels that the wizard has too many options that are just not good enough .

  29. 这位24岁的模特大刺刺地宣称,如果她们钟意某位男性的话,肯定是她们首先展开追求攻势。“如果我们对你感兴趣,我们会先行动的。”

    The 24-year-old declared that if any of the clothes horses " fancy a guy , they 'll be the ones doing the wooing . " If we are interested in you we will make the first move , " she says .