
  1. 中国南部江西省井冈山大学的讲师钟华和刘涛2007年在《晶体学报:E分卷》发表了这些论文。

    Hua Zhong and Tao Liu , lecturers at Jinggangshan University in south China 's Jiangxi Province , published the papers in2007 in Acta Crystallographica Section E.

  2. 长江证券(changjiangsecurities)驻上海分析师钟华表示,内地市场可能出现调整,但他不认为目前的股市是泡沫。

    Zhong Hua , analyst at Changjiang Securities in Shanghai , said the mainland market could see corrections but he did not think it was a bubble .

  3. 这家中国石油企业正在以150亿美元对加拿大石油集团尼克森(Nexen)发起善意收购。中海油首席财务官钟华表示,他预计这项交易将于今年年底前完成。

    The Chinese oil company is in the middle of a $ 15bn friendly acquisition of Nexen , a Canadian oil group , and chief financial officer Zhong Hua said he expected the deal to be completed by the end of this year .

  4. 好在影片还有充满创意的最后一镜,当扬子江上的不老中国与唱着主题曲的钟华交叉剪辑在一起,千头万绪也终于汇聚一处。

    But the movie does all come together in its final sequence , which creatively cross-cuts between scenes of a timeless China on the Yangtze River with Zhong performing the title song .

  5. 全片有两条主线,一条是主人公——地下作曲家钟华(尹昉饰),他以贩卖查杀自己写的电脑病毒的杀毒软件为生。

    It has two storylines : one about the hero Zhong Hua ( Yin Fang ) , an underground songwriter who makes a living creating computer viruses and then selling anti-viruses to neutralize them ;

  6. 钟华拒绝谈论审批进展的细节,只是指出,中海油与加拿大、美国以及其他国家的监管部门保持着密切沟通。

    Mr Zhong declined to discuss specifics of how the approval process was progressing , noting only that CNOOC was in close communication with regulators in Canada , the US and other countries about the deal .