
  • 网络WEB;web development;web developer;Site development
  1. UML工具在商业网站开发中的应用

    Using UML Tools for the Development of Business Web Site

  2. ASP技术在《数字电子技术》教学网站开发中的应用

    Design and Development of the Teaching Web Site for Digital Electronic Technology by ASP

  3. Java输入输出流及在网站开发中的应用探讨

    Discussion of Java I / O Class and in Website Development Application

  4. net等的一些网站开发关键技术。

    Net as the key technology .

  5. 基于AJAX技术的Web模型在网站开发中的应用研究

    The applied analysis of website development based on Web Model of Ajax technology

  6. 基于Linux下的数据库驱动网站开发环境的建立

    Construction of Development Environment of Linux-based Database-motivated Websites

  7. 基于ASP网站开发的安全隐患与预防策略

    Security Risks and Prevention Strategies of Website Development Based on ASP

  8. 基于ASP技术的中国铁道机车车辆网站开发

    Development of Chinese Railway Locomotive and Rolling Stock Website based on ASP technology

  9. 何时在你的网站开发中使用网站控件、网站页面、MVC开发模式

    Web Forms , Web Pages , MVC : When to use each in your website

  10. PHP是专用于网站开发的第一语言和最容易学习的语言。

    PHP was one of the first languages dedicated to the web and one of the easiest to learn .

  11. PHP是一种广泛应用的多用途的脚本语言,特别适合网站开发,可以内嵌在HTML文件中。

    PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially well-suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML .

  12. 针对网站开发周期长、维护困难、更新变化频繁的特点,提出了MVC模型开发方法。

    According to long period , difficult maintenance and frequent change in Web development , MVC Model is introduced .

  13. 介绍了电子商务、网上购物、网站开发环境和运行平台、ASP、HTML脚本及VBScript程。

    Electronic commerce , internet bookstore , ASP , HTML and VBScript were introduced in this paper .

  14. PHP语言是当今最热门的网站开发语言,已经有越来越多的PHP网站涌现在互联网上。

    PHP language is one of the most popular net programming languages , which has been applied to more and more internet websites .

  15. 另外,文章还讨论了数据库访问技术、VC++高级编程和ASP网站开发等相关技术和应用。

    In addition , the technologies of database accessing , the program skills and applications of VC + + and ASP are also mentioned .

  16. 然而,由于已有门户网站开发时使用的传统Web开发技术存在固有缺陷,使得门户网站的事后改造很困难,改造成的语义门户网站也难称得上是理想的语义门户网站。

    However , the built-in limitations of conventional Web development technologies , which are used to develop current Web portals , make the reconstructing task so difficult that the reconstructed Semantic Web portals cannot be ideal .

  17. 最后,通过对各种网站开发工具、开发技术和运行平台的比较分析,确定了本文所设计的网站的开发环境,即WINDOWSnt+IIS+ASP+SqlServer2000,并在此基础上完成了整个网站的开发。

    At last , the paper ensures the developing environment of the website : Windows NT + IIS + ASP + SQL Server 2000 , and succeeds in finishing its program .

  18. 限制只对特定页面进行SSL加密的副作用是为网站开发人员带来了对安全页面和不安全页面之间导航进行管理的负担。

    A by-product of restricting SSL encryption to specific pages is that the burden of managing the navigation between secured and unsecured pages falls on the Web site developers .

  19. 在为网站开发样式表时,Sass能够将您的Sass转化为标准CSS标记,从而显著简化您的工作。

    As you develop stylesheets for your website , Sass can significantly simplify your life by converting your Sass to standard CSS markup .

  20. Dreamweaver是目前在网站开发中使用最为广泛的一种软件,因其所见即所得的使用方式而大受欢迎。

    Dreamweaver is a kind of software which is be used widely in development of website because it adopts what-you-see-is-what-you-get method .

  21. 本文借助Internet技术,就如何架构多媒体网络教学平台,给出了设计方案,涉及网络服务器架设、硬软件配置、网站开发、程序设计等方面的实现过程。

    Has this article with the aid of the Internet technology , how the paradigm multimedia network teaching platform , produced the design proposal , involves the network server to erect , hard aspect the and so on software configuration , website development , programming implementation process .

  22. 网站开发新技术XSP

    New Technology XSP for Web Sits Exploitation

  23. KenRamirez拥有超过24年的IT从业经验,后12年他一直致力于Java与JEE应用程序和网站开发。

    Ken Ramirez has more than 24 years of experience in the IT industry , the last 12 of which have been spent developing Java and JEE applications and websites .

  24. 针对该单位的特点和实际需要,我们采用了ASP+IIS+SqlServer的框架,该框架是我们很多中小型企业广泛采用的网站开发技术,具有门槛低,周期短,投资少等优点。

    According to the characteristics and actual needs of the corporation , we adopt the frame of ASP , IIS and SQL Server , which is our favorite in developing websites for small businesses , and it has the advantage of easy development , short period and low investment .

  25. 分析了影响WEB数据库访问性能的因素,指出了ADO默认设置的缺陷,并结合自己电子商务网站开发的体会,提出了合理配置ADO的思路,并给出了例子加以说明。

    This paper analyses factors affecting WEB database access and points out insufficiency of configuring ADO during installation . According to the author 's experience developing E-business Web Sites , it presents methods to configure ADO reasonably and gives examples .

  26. 介绍了SUN公司提出的J2EE的企业平台架构,探讨了基于J2EE的企业信息平台架构机理,论述了实现步骤和相应的关键技术,并以实例展示了J2EE技术在企业内部网站开发中的应用。

    This paper simply introduces the J2EE platform framework of SUN company , and discusses a mechanism of enterprise information platform based on J2EE . It also introduces the step and technology . The author provides an application in developing an internal corporation website .

  27. 它为拼凑式(pick-and-mix)网站开发提供了便利。

    It facilitates a pick-and-mix model of Web-site development .

  28. 这意味着网站开发人员在更改设计时,会将脚本破坏,但许多Web2.0网站甚至对能执行screen-scrapeHTML操作的工具都保持尽量友好。

    This does mean that the script can break if the site developer changes the design , but many Web2.0 sites try to be friendly even for such tools that screen-scrape HTML .

  29. 该工具集可以让开发者将他们原来为MySpace、Hi5、Bebo和Facebook等社交网站开发的应用轻松移植到手机上。

    The Open Social Mobile Toolkit supports MySpace , Hi5 , Bebo , and Facebook and allows developers of applications on those networks to extend them to the mobile phone .

  30. 在全球范围内,Drupal网站开发技术被越来越多的采用,目前已经有大量的机构应用Drupal技术建设网站,包括美国白宫,麦当劳,推特,宜家等。

    Drupal web technology is increasingly being adopted across the globe and is currently in use by massive organizations including The White House , McDonald 's , Twitter , IKEA and many more * .