
  1. 另外,还有很多学校未被网站收录。

    Finally , there are just loads of colleges that aren 't yet included .

  2. 相反,我们又一次见证了网站收录和不安全的网站方案的重新出现。

    Instead , once again we witness the re-emergence of a system that produced nothing but tension and insecurity .

  3. 为什么有的网站百度收录了几千篇文章,而经过一段时间快照会返回,让收录也只剩下首页?

    Why do some sites Baidu contains thousands of articles , and over time will return a snapshot for your home are left ?

  4. 在此基础上,结合《中国农业网站名录》中收录的6000余个网址,开发了网页自动抓取工具,将抓回的网页利用SDD算法建立起语义索引,成功构建了一个中文农业搜索引擎。

    Using more than 6000 URLs , the tool of automatically web grabber has been developed then the web pages was indexed with the specific agricultural dictionary , finally a specific search engine of agriculture was made .

  5. 现在百度开始拔毛了,很多网站很难被收录。

    Baidu began to depilate now , a lot of websites are collected very hard .

  6. 本网站的目的是让使用者可以将喜欢的网站分门别类地收录到专属于自己的网站中,以便满足日常上网所需。

    This website is designed in order to the user can make his favorite site be arranged into his own site , and meet the daily demand to access the Internet .