
  • 网络hiding power;Covering power;outreach
  1. 扩散转移过程正负影像覆盖力的研究

    Study on the covering power of positive and negative images in diffusion transfer process

  2. 覆盖力在很大程度上依赖于密度,随着密度的增大,覆盖力以指数形式下降。

    And the covering power is seen to depend greatly on the density . With increasing density , the covering power diminishes exponentially .

  3. 影响印片颗粒指数值的两个主要因素是彩色相纸的反差修正系数a和彩色负片的覆盖力系数ECP;

    The two main factors affecting print grain index accuracy are contrast amendment factor a of the color paper and cover power efficiency E CP of the color film .

  4. 通过媒体影响覆盖力,尽可能影响有决策力层面的领导,让他们能听到、看到相关文本。

    Through the report , we can affect all level leaders that make decisions , and establish the media network on the policies of ethnic minority girls .

  5. 本文测定了银盐扩散转移过程正负影像的覆盖力,测定结果表明,正像比负像覆盖力大3&10倍。

    In this paper the covering power of the positive and negative images was determined . It was found that the covering power of the positive image is 3-10 times higher than that of the negative .

  6. 其显著的特点是植株低矮,覆盖力强,繁殖容易,管理粗放,适应范围广,抗逆性强,花色丰富,花多而密,花期长,观赏价值高。

    The significant features are low power plant , coverage , easy to manage the extensive breeding , wide , and resistant to strong , a great variety , spend more dense , long flowering period , ornamental value .

  7. 对于覆盖复合应力缓冲层的QD不会使波长和FWHM发生显著变化,但可以使基态和第一激发态间的能级差进一步增大。

    For QD covering the combined stress buffer layer it makes no obvious difference to the wavelength and the line width ( FWHM ), but will increase the energy difference between the ground and the first excited states .

  8. 种植体植入部位对全下颌种植覆盖义齿应力分布的影响

    Influence of different location of implants on the stress distribution in mandibular implant-supported complete overdenture

  9. 黄河三角洲土地利用及土地覆盖变化驱动力分析

    Analysis of driving forces of the land use and land cover change at the Yellow River Delta

  10. 桩核高度对下颌桩核基牙式全口覆盖义齿应力分布的影响

    The influence of the height of core on mandibular complete overdenture based on post-core abutment stress distribution

  11. 目的:探讨球形、式附着体对全下颌种植覆盖义齿应力分布的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of ball or bar attachments on stress distribution of the mandibular implant-supported overdenture .

  12. 目的探讨弹性缓冲装置对种植覆盖义齿应力分布的影响,为优化种植覆盖义齿设计提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the influence of stress-breaking elements on stress distribution of mandibular implant-supported overdenture and supporting tissue , and to provide information for optimization of dentures design .

  13. 土地利用与覆被变化(LandUse/CoverChange)是全球变化研究的前沿和热点课题,而土地利用与覆盖变化的驱动力研究又是该研究的核心内容。

    Land Use / Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) has become the center of the study of global changes and the study of the driving mechanism of LUCC is becoming one of the focuses on this subject .

  14. 根据种植体位置的不同共建立了I-VII个有限元模型,并进行相应垂直方向静态颌力的加载,以模拟套筒冠固位的种植覆盖义齿的受力情况。

    Moreover , four implants were inserted symmetrically into each model . According to different implant locations , I-VII models were established . These models were loaded with vertical and static loading to simulate the stress status of implant overdenture which retained by telescopic crown attachment .

  15. 设置缓冲间隙对下颌种植覆盖总义齿应力分布的影响

    The effects of relieving space to stress distribution of mandibular implant supported overdenture

  16. 浙江乐清湾海岸带地区土地利用/土地覆盖变化及驱动力研究

    The Study on the Land Use / Land Cover Change and Driving Forces of Coastal Zone in Yueqing Bay of Zhejiang Province

  17. 土地利用/覆盖变化的驱动力分析是土地利用/覆盖研究的一个主要核心内容。

    Analysis of socio-economic driving forces on land use and land cover change ( LUCC ) is one of the hot issues of LUCC research .

  18. 方法应用三维有限元法,对采用弹性软衬材料和非弹性材料固位的全下颌种植覆盖义齿进行应力分析,对比义齿本身和支持组织应力分布的差异。

    Methods By using three-dimensional finite element method , to analyze and compare the stress distribution of the supporting tissue and overdenture retained by resilient soft-liner material or non-resilient material .