
  • 网络Cover Film;coverlay;Cover Layer
  1. 以及尝试采用聚酰亚胺覆盖膜对挠性区域进行保护取代软性油墨制作阻焊进行保护的工艺方式。

    The polyimide cover layer was tried touse in the flexible area protection process instead of soft printing ink solder mask .

  2. 地下水在覆盖膜上蒸发并收集起来,直至水滴形成、沿着材料流下并滴进杯子里。

    Ground water evaporatesand collects on the sheet until small drops of water form , run down the material and fall off into the cup .

  3. GRP温室覆盖膜温光性能测试分析

    A Study on Temperature and Sunlight Performance of GRP Film for Greenhouse

  4. 覆盖膜:取代传统农业塑胶(PE)膜,适用短期蔬果农作物,并也适用于水果套袋。

    As cover or protection : the traditional agricultural plastic ( PE ) substitute , is suitable for short term use for apple products , and is also suitable as fruit bag .

  5. 切削Ca-S易切不锈钢时刀具表面覆盖膜的研究(Ⅱ)

    Investigation on Adhering Layer Formed in Machining Ca-S Free-Cutting Stainless Steel on Tool Face ( II )

  6. 研究了切削Ca-S易切不锈钢时,在覆盖膜生成的条件下,前后刀面的磨损特点、覆盖膜的厚度及影响因素。

    The wearing characteristics of a tool 's rake / flank under the conditions that an adhering layer is formed have been studied in machining Ca-S free-cutting stainless steel , as well as the thickness of adhering layer and influencing factors on it .

  7. 垄膜覆盖膜孔沟灌技术要素试验研究

    Study on technical variables in film hole furrow irrigation with plastic-covered ridge

  8. 这样可以让所有枯死或腐烂的有机质形成覆盖膜。

    This will help mulch in any dead or decaying organic material .

  9. 切削温度对刀具表面覆盖膜的影响

    Influence of Cutting Temperature on the Film Covering Tool Surface

  10. 明胶膜作为可食性包装膜、覆盖膜及医学材料的应用

    The Application of Gelatin as Edible Wraping Film , Mulching Film and Biomedical Materials

  11. 塑料大棚覆盖膜内冷凝水珠滴滑的临界角

    Study on slipping and dripping critical angle of condensation water on the Inside surface of green-house

  12. 这样可以形成覆盖膜,让土壤更加肥沃。

    These will form mulch , a covering on the ground that will enrich the soil .

  13. 作物的遗留物可以生成覆盖膜。

    The crop waste creates mulch .

  14. 这样可以形成有机覆盖膜,既是保护层,又可以在春季肥沃土壤。

    This creates organic mulch , a protective layer that helps enrich the soil during the spring .

  15. 机械化整秆覆盖膜侧沟播保护性耕作技术的试验研究

    Experimental study on conservative tillage technology of complete cornstalk cover by mechanization and furrow sowing beside film mulching

  16. 卵膜孔一些动物卵细胞覆盖膜上的小孔,精子可由此进入。

    A pore in the membrane covering the ovum of some animals through which a spermatozoon can enter .

  17. 一种打击乐器;由一个两端覆盖膜的中空的筒状物体构成。

    A musical percussion instrument ; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretch across each end .

  18. 她说,有机质,例如腐叶覆盖膜(也叫腐叶土壤)通常总是能够改良贫瘠的土壤。

    She says organic material such as leaf mulch , also called leaf mold , can almost always improve poor soil .

  19. 实验表明,该缓蚀剂可与碳钢表面螯合形成致密的覆盖膜,表现出明显的阴极型缓蚀剂特征。

    The results showed that , with the inhibitor YWY , a compact overlayer film was obtained on the metal surface and YWY showed cathode corrosion inhibitor .

  20. 最近的观测显示该区域的暗化程度有奇异的同化度,就像是一层最近才敷在一个又古老又布满坑洞的表面上的深色覆盖膜。

    Recent observations show that the degree of darkness of the terrain is strangely uniform , like a dark coating was somehow recently applied to an ancient and highly cratered surface .

  21. 在实验结果基础上,初步认为铈、锂盐封闭是通过生成结构紧密的封闭产物填充、覆盖膜孔,从而显著提高铝阳极氧化膜的耐蚀性能。

    Based on the experimental results , it could be inferred that the cerium and lithium species in the sealing solution have some kind of synergism , which can make the sealing products more compact and effectively improve the corrosion resistance of the film .

  22. 此外,使电子阻塞和局部加热效应最小化的U型界面,提高了电子迁移失效的平均时间,一致的、可重复的覆盖膜特性和良好的电参量测试结果已经证实了这种工艺的生产价值。

    In addition , the U-shaped interface , which minimizes electron crowding and localized heating effects , increases the mean time to failure by electromigration . Consistent , repeatable blanket film property and good parametric electrical test results have proven the production worthiness of this process .

  23. B组创面覆盖胶原膜及优妥敷料。

    While the wounds in B group were covered by collagen membrane and gauze .

  24. 在A、B两组牙槽嵴顶覆盖钛膜,四角用小钛钉固定,严密缝合牙龈。

    Cover the alveolar of A and B group with titanium membranes , fix four point with small titanium screw and suture contralateral gums tightly .

  25. 植入种植体后,在骨缺损处植入自体骨与等量Bio-oss骨粉1:1,覆盖钛膜。

    The defects were covered with titanium membrane and Bio - oss .

  26. 覆盖保护膜后的光盘仍能够正常读写和存储信息。

    The optical disks with the protect film still read and write the information normally .

  27. 用毛巾覆盖塑料膜,等待至少30分钟。

    Cover the plastic with a towel and leave the mixture on for at least 30 minutes .

  28. 旱地玉米双垄全膜覆盖一膜用两年免耕栽培模式研究

    Study on corn no-till planting mode of double ridge mulching " one film used for two years " on dryland

  29. 覆盖黑膜花生地上部植株干物质积累快且总量大,有利于花生荚果发育。

    The dry matter accumulation of the upper plant was accelerated and increased , which was propitious to the development of peanut pods .

  30. 覆盖黑膜花生后期根系干重较大,延缓叶片衰老,叶面积指数高。

    Root dry matter accumulation was enlarged by mulch in the late growth stage , and therefore , the senescence of leaves was delayed and the leaves area index was enhance .