
  • 网络Of skills;Conceptual Skills
  1. 元认知阅读策略是高层次的执行性技巧,能够计划,监控和评价学习活动。

    Metacognitive strategies are the high-level implementation of skills , which can plan , monitor and evaluate study activity .

  2. WebShpereApplicationServer中的大部分通用组件的高可用性技巧可以在参考资料部分中找到。

    Techniques for high availability of most of the common components in a WebSphere Application Server architecture can be found in the Resources section .

  3. 目的介绍置胃管术的一些实用性技巧。

    Objective To introduce some practicability skill of setting up gastric tube .

  4. 园内还将设有性技巧研讨班和安全性行为课程。

    The park will also offer sex technique workshops and safe-sex methods .

  5. 现时的性教育鲜有提及性技巧。

    Current sex education rarely touches on sexual techniques .

  6. 算子理论中的综合性技巧

    Synthetic Techniques in Operator Theory

  7. 运行时和可管理性技巧

    Runtime and manageability tips

  8. 他们需要所谓的「软性技巧」,像是同情,同理心,关系建立,沟通以及系统性思考来帮助达成目标。

    They will require the so-called " softer skills " such as compassion , empathy , relationship-building , communication and systems thinking .

  9. 这个门兴的瑰宝分享了许多罗斯基的标志性技巧,譬如控球,创意以及任意球。

    The jewel in the Gladbach crown shares many of his idol 's trademark skills , such as dribbling , creativity and free kicks .

  10. 不断的用道具和能力奖励玩家能保持游戏的趣味性,这需要整合到故事和游戏性技巧中。

    Constantly rewarding the player with new items and abilities to keep the game interesting should be integrated into the story and the game play mechanics .

  11. 第三章从互文性技巧分析作者如何利用与经典作品、神话的忽闻和有差异的模仿来表达了观点。

    The part analyzes how the author used the intertextuality with the classic work and myth and imitation with some differences to show her point of view .

  12. 此次行政指导课程指在通过实践和回顾的基础上,改善演讲的实用性技巧,完成课程的同时感受技巧的改善。

    This Executive Coaching session is dedicated to the improvement of real skills through practice and review so your organization can begin seeing a difference upon completion .

  13. 你应该十分留心你的行为和另一半的反应,特别是当你准备开展新的感情观或性技巧时。

    You should be very careful to monitor your actions and reactions to your lover , especially when you are initiating new emotional attitudes or new sexual techniques .

  14. 利用对偶性技巧及一系列非线性分析的方法,研究一类带有交错扩散影响的拟线性抛物系统解的整体存在性。

    This paper , by using the duality technique and a series of nonlinear analyzing methods , studies the global existence of the solution for quasilinear parabolic system with cross-diffusion effects .

  15. 不论是在停止、慢步、快步还是在跑步或是两蹄迹运动中,保持缰上双手同等拉力的能力是个关键性技巧。

    Ability to maintain equal tension with both hands on the rein is a key skill whether at the halt , walk , trot , or canter or on two tracks .

  16. 这个原则是记单词关键性技巧的基础。这要求我们在记忆的时候脑中要生成一个能把英文发音和汉语意思联系起来的图片。

    This principle is the basis of the " keyword " technique which involves devising an image that connects the pronunciation of the second language word with the meaning of a first language word .

  17. 阅读与听力有许多相同之处,他们都属于主动的接受性技巧,都借助头脑中的图像产生意义,同时也都离不开对所听读的信息进行预测。

    Reading and listening have a lot in common . They belong to the active receptive skills , produce meanings with the help of images in the brain and make predictions according to the information read and heard .

  18. 朱利安·巴恩斯是当代英国文坛最具影响力的作家之一,因其作品探讨了历史、艺术和死亡等重大问题、采用了独创的实验性技巧而倍受文学评论界的关注。

    Julian Barnes , one of the most prestigious British contemporary novelists , has received wide attention from the world literary critics for his innovative experiments in his exploration of serious issues of history , art , and death .

  19. 比亚兹莱以其精妙的装饰性技巧再现了当时资产阶级社会的黑暗、堕落以及维多利亚时期的伪道德,同时宣泄了世纪末的情绪:颓废、焦虑、荒淫、罪恶和神秘。

    Beardsley exquisite decorative techniques demonstrated at the time of the bourgeois society darkness , depravity and pseudo-Victorian morality . At the same time give vent to their emotions with the end of the century : decadence , anxiety , dissolute , evil and mysterious .

  20. 改进非语言性沟通技巧对ICU护理工作满意度的影响

    Influence of modified non-language communication skills on satisfaction degree of patients toward nursing work in ICU

  21. 本文还对电路中的鲁棒性设计技巧和参数优化设计方法进行了研究。

    Tricks for robustness and circuit parameter optimization are also studied .

  22. 对于敏感问题要注意礼貌性和技巧。

    Difficult questions should always be handled politely and diplomatically .

  23. 这是三个关于往返和数据完整性的技巧中的第二个技巧。

    This is the second of three tips on roundtripping and data integrity .

  24. 教学语言注重艺术性和技巧性。

    Teaching languages lay stress on artistry and technique .

  25. 在交际中,恰当地运用类语言的功能性发音技巧能收得很好的表达效果。

    In communication it is effective to use property the skill of functional pronunciation .

  26. 开始练习这些有用的、实践性的技巧,充分开发你的潜能。

    Start practicing these useful , practical skills now to reach your full potential .

  27. 近年来为了直接改变人类的行为曾经探索采取一些实验性的技巧。

    More recently , tentative techniques have been explored for changing human behaviour directly .

  28. 联系具体的办刊实践,论述了技术类期刊编辑开展互动服务的必要性、技巧与方法。编作互动包括:确保审稿的公正性;

    The necessity , techniques and approaches for interactive editing in specialized journals are discussed .

  29. 论英语修饰性写作技巧的作用

    Functions of Modifying Skills in English Writing

  30. 任务复杂度对评判性思维技巧的总体运用没有显著影响。

    Besides , task complexity has no significant influence on the application of critical thinking skills .