
  • 网络sexual attitude
  1. 本文还探讨了性态度、性行为以及人类生活史间的关系。

    The relation between these sexual attitudes and reported sexual behaviors and life history evolution in humans is discussed .

  2. 在一研究,72%的153个叁加者正确地识别一群男人的性态度和20多岁的女人在被显示之后相片或美颜术图像。

    In one study , 72 percent of the153 participants correctly identified the sexual attitudes of a group of men and women in their20s after being shown photographs or facial images .

  3. 中国男性对生活事件和性态度的研究:在AsianMALES研究中勃起功能障碍的患病率和相关的健康关注问题

    Chinese Men 's Attitudes to Life Events and Sexuality : Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction and Related Health Concerns Among Chinese Men in Asian MALES Study

  4. 大众AIDS知识整体水平不高,尤其对非传播途径的错误认识率高、对感染者正性态度报告率低于30.0%。

    The rate on knowledge about HIV / AIDS is low and the positive attitude toward people with HIV / AIDS is under 30.0 % in the public .

  5. 结果艾滋病相关知识得分、相关的正性态度和避免高危行为的倾向较教育前均有明显改变(P0.01)。

    Result There is significant difference in score of knowledge , correlation and tendency of avoiding high risk behavior before and after health education ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 方法以功能失调性态度问卷(DAS)和贝克抑郁问卷(BDI)对100例癌症患者、37例抑郁症患者及40例正常人进行问卷。

    Methods 100 cancer patients were assessed with the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scales ( DAS ) and Beck Depression Inventory ( BDI ) .

  7. 结果提示:性病患者在性态度方面存在偏差,STI总体认识水平较低,同时二者的部分项目存在性别差异。

    The results showed that windages existed in the attitude to sex among STD sufferers , the total STI knowledge level was lower and some items had gender difference .

  8. 方法采取放射免疫检验法测验唾液睾酮浓度,以《抑郁自评量表》(SDS)和《功能失调性态度问卷》(DAS)评估患者的抑郁严重程度和病理认知模式。

    Methods The concentration of salivary testosterone was measured by using radioimmunoassay , and the seriousness of depression and pathological cognition mode were evaluated by self-rating depression scale ( SDS ) and dysfunctional attitudes scale ( DAS ) .

  9. 为了解女性抑郁症病人的心理特征,采用应激量表及功能失调性态度问卷(DAS)对50例女性、30例男性抑郁症病人的心理状态进行测评。

    To understand the psychological features of female depression patients , Stress Scale and dysfunctional attitude scale ( DAS ) were used to evaluate the psychological status of 50 female and 30 male patients with depression .

  10. 通过对337名性病患者的性态度和性传播感染(STI)相关认知水平进行分析,了解性病患者性行为取向的影响因素,为在性病门诊中开展健康教育和安全性行为促进工作提供依据。

    To investigate the effect of sex attitude and STI knowledge level on sex behavior tropism of STD sufferers and provide gist for health education and safe behavior advocation , the relevant data from 337 STD sufferers was analyzed .

  11. 广州市1292名青少年性态度的对应分析

    Corresponding analysis on sexual attitude of 1 292 adolescents in Guangzhou

  12. 学生随意的性态度令人担忧

    Students ' careless attitudes about sex is a worry

  13. 功能失调性态度问卷在癌症抑郁患者中的测评分析

    A measuing analysis in cancer patients with depressive emotion by Dysfunction Attitudes Scales

  14. 结论功能失调性态度、归因风格、个性在抑郁的发生中均有一定作用。

    Conclusion Depression was influenced by dysfunction attitude , interpersonal attributional and personality .

  15. 该监管部门表示,在这个问题上,它将采取前瞻性态度。

    The regulator says it is taking a forward-looking stance on the subject .

  16. 中学生艾滋病知识、性态度及性行为调查研究

    A survey of AIDS knowledge , sexual attitude and behavior in middle school students

  17. 首发青少年抑郁症患者功能失调性态度研究

    Study on Dysfunctional Attitudes of First-onset Depressive Adolescents

  18. 青年开放的性态度昭示了青年性教育的迫切性。

    The youth 's open attitude indicates the necessity of sex education to the youth .

  19. 人体艺术审美中的性态度

    Sexual Manner of Appreciating Body 's Art

  20. 员工之间良好的工作氛围和建设性态度对于成功是根本性的。

    The sound working atmosphere among employees and their constructive attitudes are crucial to success .

  21. 护理专科学生性态度的调查

    Sex Attitudes of Students of Nursing Specialty

  22. 鹰派人物如在争论中显示出一种积极好战的或有侵略性态度的人

    One who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude , as in an argument .

  23. 城市婚检青年性态度及性知识需求调查

    A study of sexual attitude and knowledge of young people taking pre-marital examination in Beijing

  24. 对美声唱法声音概念的误解引发的习惯性态度及行为问题研究

    Studies on Regular Attitude and Behavior Issue Caused by Misunderstanding the Voice Concept of Bel Canto

  25. 内隐良性竞争性态度是可以测量的,且影响被试的社会判断;

    The implicit benign competive attitude is measurable and it can influence the tested social judgement ;

  26. 大学生对创造主体及创造能力可培养性态度的研究

    Research on the College Students ' Attitudes to Creative Hosts and the Possibility of Promoting Creativity

  27. 青年官兵性态度与艾滋病预防知识掌握情况调查

    Investigation on the Sex Attitude and the Master of the AIDS Prevention Among Young Officers and Soldiers

  28. 福建某女子高校学生性态度及其干预效果研究

    Study on Sexual Attitude and the Impact of Evaluation Among the Women 's College Students in Fujian

  29. 也可能当英国不再那么需要现金流的时候,对于本国企业会采取保护性态度。

    Perhaps Britain will get more protective about foreigners when it is less desperate for their cash .

  30. 结论大学生对生殖健康知识了解不足,性态度及性行为有性别和年级差异。

    There are differences in sex attitude and behavior between college students of different grade and gender .