
  1. 然而调查也表明,妇女们随着年龄的增长仍然享受性乐趣。

    However , it does show that women are still enjoying great sex lives as they get older .

  2. 性的乐趣一半在于谈论它。

    Halfthe fun ofsex * Is talking about it .

  3. 宝马(BMW)和其他德国汽车制造商通常会从动力、奢华、操控性、驾驶乐趣和历史传统等方面宣传自己的品牌。

    BMW and other German carmakers usually describe their brands in terms of power , luxury , handling , driving pleasure , and heritage .

  4. 以一种性行为享受乐趣。

    Enjoy in a sexual way .

  5. 它可加以伪装或暂时麻痹、予以否认,然而它是每一个寻求特殊性慰藉与乐趣背后的动力。

    It may be camouflaged , temporarily anesthetized , or denied , but it is the force behind every pursuit of relief and pleasure in specialness .

  6. 通过这种方式,2009TSX能够为更宽的车速范围及路面状况提供更宽的舒适性及操控乐趣。

    In this way the2009 TSX provides a wider range of comfortable ride quality and exceptional road holding under a wide variety of driving speeds and conditions .

  7. 《TOKNOW》(想知道)杂志在儿童出版界大受欢迎,每个月都为年轻的粉丝们带来富有挑战性的创意和乐趣的独特结合。

    TOKNOW Magazine is a big hit in the world of children 's publishing , bringing a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month .

  8. 社交媒体增强了这一体验,让考虑、挑选和购买的整个过程更具互动性,更富于乐趣。

    Social amps up the experience , making the whole process of consideration , selection and purchase more interactive & and more fun .

  9. 该模型认为,运动倾向性是由运动乐趣、参与选择、个人投入、社会约束及参与机会5个因素决定。

    The Sport Commitment Model was determined by the factors of sport enjoyment , involvement alte-natives , personal investments , social constraints , and involvement opportunities .

  10. 男高中生吸烟、饮酒和享乐性行为关系的结构研究以一种性行为享受乐趣。

    The structure of correlations of smoking and drinking with pleasure-related behaviors in male high school students ;

  11. 一则健康服务传单说专家们过多专注于性的安全和爱情关系,而没有足够关注性的乐趣。

    Health Service leaflet says experts concentrate too much on the need for safe sex and loving relationships , and not enough on the pleasure it can bring .