
  • 网络biological basis
  1. 最近e抗原阳性和阴性的分子生物学基础得到深入研究。

    Recently E. The molecular biological basis for HBeAg-positive or negative phenotype of HBV has been studied in depth .

  2. 提示DF患者与其他焦虑症患者有同样的生物学基础。

    It prompting that both DF patients and other categories of anxieties have a same biological basis .

  3. CO2激光对油菜生物学基础影响的研究

    Effects of CO_2 Laser Irradiation on Rape Seed Germination and Seedling Growth

  4. 还讨论了∑-π网络和BP网络的神经生物学基础。

    The neurobiological bases of BP and ∑ - π networks are discussed .

  5. 肝细胞癌和胆管细胞癌螺旋CT增强差异的分子生物学基础

    The Biomolecular Mechanism of the Enhancement Difference on Spiral CT in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Intrahepatic Cholangiocellular Carcinoma

  6. 目的:建立优维显与单克隆抗体偶联的方法,阐明CT免疫成像的生物学基础。

    Purpose : To find a method to establish ultravist labeled monoclonal antibody and to elucidate the biological mechanism in immunologic computerized tomography imaging .

  7. HIV-1感染机体的分子生物学基础

    The molecular biological foundation of HIV-1 infection

  8. CD44在前列腺癌细胞迁移、增殖中作用的分子生物学基础的研究

    The Biological Effect Study of CD44 on Human Prostate Adenocarcinoma Cell 's Migration and Proliferation

  9. CBS催化活性的降低是应激性心血管疾病的重要生物学基础。

    The decrease of CBS catalytic activity may be the biological basis for stress-injured cardiac function .

  10. 文章描述了由ATP分子水解释放的生物能量传递的新理论的物理和生物学基础。

    We present the biological and physical foundations of the new theory of transport of bio-energy released by hydrolysis of ATP molecules .

  11. Avermectin生物合成及调控的生物化学和分子生物学基础

    Biochemical and molecular basis of biosynthesis and regulation of avermectin

  12. 目的阐明甲1(H1N1)亚型毒株相变异的分子生物学基础。

    Objective To reveal the basis of molecular biology of the phase change of influenza A ( H1N1 ) viruses .

  13. 软骨细胞的增殖和凋亡是髁突软骨发育中重要的生物学基础,而Bcl-2基因家族是软骨细胞凋亡调控网络中的关键因素。

    Both cell proliferation and cell apoptosis are important in condyle development . And Bcl-2 gene family plays a crucial role in regulation of cartilage cell apoptosis .

  14. 结论:NEI网络是肝肾阴虚证的生物学基础之一。

    Conclusions : NEI is one of the biological basis of syndrome of liver and kidney yin deficiency .

  15. VAM真菌诱导植物产生防御反应的生物化学及分子生物学基础

    The basis of Biochemistry and molecular biology for the defence responses induced by VAM fungi

  16. 产生LTP的生物学基础之一是海马神经元突触上的N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸(NMDA)受体。

    And the N-methyl-D-aspartate ( NMDA ) receptor on the synaptosome in hippocampus is one of the biological bases of LTP .

  17. 本研究结果提示,茶多酚对OH和O具有直接清除作用。茶多酚对氧自由基的直接清除作用可能是其抑制突变和抗氧化作用的分子生物学基础。

    This results indicated that GTP had direct scavenging effect on O and OH , and the direct scavenging effect of GTP on oxygen radicals may be molecular biological basis of its anti-mutation and antioxidation effect .

  18. 活化的蛋白C抵抗的分子生物学基础是由于凝血因子Ⅴ基因一个核苷酸发生错义突变,称为Leiden突变,使因子Ⅴa对活化的蛋白C的裂解发生抵抗,患者容易发生血栓性疾病。

    A commen missense mutation in the factor V gene , the Leiden mutation , renders factor Va resistant to cleavage inactivation by activated protein C and predisposes patients to thrombotic events .

  19. 对124例CHF患者进行中医学证候调查,了解心气虚证候在CHF人群中的分布情况及特点,以及CHF患者中心气虚证和非心气虚证的区别,并寻找其生物学基础。

    Methords : 1 . Research the character of TCM syndrome on 124 patients with CHF , to learn the syndromes distribution situation in CHF patients .

  20. 以类风湿性关节炎(Rheumatoidarthritis,RA)为例,在流行病调查和RCT临床试验的基础上,开展了RA中医证候分类学的系统生物学基础研究。

    In this study , rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) based clinical investigations and clinical trials are made evidences for analyzing the systems biology of TCM syndrome differentiation .

  21. 结论宫颈鳞癌放射敏感性高于腺癌,放射过程中PI的降低,可能是宫颈鳞癌放射敏感性的生物学基础。

    Conclusions The radiosensitivity of cervical squamous carcinoma is higher than that of adenocarcinoma . The decrease of PI after radiotherapy may be a biological basis of radiosensitivity for uterine cervical squamous carcinoma .

  22. 突触可塑性被认为是学习记忆的神经生物学基础,长时程增强(long&termpotentiation,LTP)是突触可塑性的一种重要形式。

    Long & term potentiation ( LTP ), an important form of synaptic plasticity , is believed to underlie learning and memory .

  23. 目的:探讨人参皂甙对老龄大鼠内侧隔核TrkBmRNA表达的影响,为老年记忆减退性疾病的发病机制及人参皂甙的临床应用提供分子生物学基础。

    Objective : To explore the effects of ginsenoside on TrkB mRNA expression in medial septal nucleus of aged rats and provide molecular basis for pathogenesis of memory failure .

  24. 目的:观察脑震荡(Brainconcussion,BC)大鼠毒蕈碱型M1、M2受体和烟碱型N受体的变化规律,进一步了解BC大鼠认知行为障碍的神经生物学基础。

    Objective : To observe the changes of Ml , M2 and N acetylcholine receptors following brain concussion ( BC ) in rats and research the neurobiology mechanisms of cognitive behavioral deficits after BC .

  25. 对小麦GABA转运蛋白基因进行克隆,获得GABA转运蛋白基因的中间片段+3′片段,为GABA的功能研究奠定了分子生物学基础。

    And wheat GABA translocator gene was cloned to get the middle fragment together with 3 ' fragment , which laid the foundation of molecular biology for function research of GABA .

  26. 总RNA的提取质量,对于基因表达、基因克隆、cDNA文库建立、RNA原位杂交以及转基因材料鉴定等分子生物学基础研究至关重要。

    The quality of total RNA extracted is crucial for the basal research of molecular biology such as , gene expression , gene cloning , cDNA library construction , RNA in situ hybrid and the screening of transgenic plants .

  27. 在分子生物学基础研究领域,通过对特定基因的RT-PCR产物的分析,实现了对基因的表达和选择性剪接的直接分析。

    Investigation of gene expression and gene alternative splicing by CE was earned out in this study by analyzing the RT-PCR products of the target gene , FMR1 gene , a gene leading to fragile X syndrome .

  28. 具体有以下几方面的工作:①介绍了DNA计算产生的生物背景、发展现状、DNA计算的数学理论、生物学基础以及DNA计算的机理,并对近年来有关DNA计算的研究成果进行了综述。

    The specific works are as follow : ① This paper introduced the biological background of DNA computing , and the present development condition , the mathematical theory and the biological foundations , some essential operation of DNA molecule and the overview of study in recent years .

  29. 盐芥(ThellungiellaHalophila)耐盐生理及分子生物学基础研究

    Study on Physiological and Molecular Basis of Salt Cress ( Thellungiella Halophila ) Salt Tolerance

  30. 对HiLo训练法的起源和发展、HiLo的高度和时间以及HiLo训练法的生物学基础及应用做一综述。

    This paper sums up the the orgin and development of HiLo 、 Altitude and time and biological base and application of HiLo .