
  • living death;As good as Dead;Fate worse than death
  1. 这让我生不如死,她说道。

    It 's left me less than alive , she says .

  2. 没有您的爱,我生不如死。

    I love her so much that I 'd rather die .

  3. 我会让他生不如死。

    That I am going to make his life a living hell .

  4. 爱,有时伤人至深,生不如死。

    Sometimes love hurts , and you want to die .

  5. 让所有员工都生不如死

    making life miserable for all the people actually doing the work .

  6. 是你把我送上那小岛,过了生不如死的五年。

    You sentenced me to that island , to five years of hell .

  7. 亦或他们生不如死。

    Or they 'll wish they had died .

  8. 懵懵懂懂地活着生不如死!

    An unconsidered life is not worth living !

  9. 只要我们合作他就生不如死

    So he 's as good as dead , so long as we cooperate .

  10. 如果这里的人民没法捕鱼,他们会觉得自己生不如死。

    When people here cannot fish , they feel as if they are not living .

  11. 该怕的是生不如死的生活。

    Be afraid of the unlived life .

  12. 穷到生不如死。

    Poor to the living death .

  13. 我简直是生不如死。

    I became a human toilet .

  14. 这一切都是因为他觉得没有人爱他,他觉得生不如死。

    All of these changes were because he felt worthless and that no one loved him .

  15. 囚禁;关押生不如死的囚禁生活

    the living death of captivity

  16. 有一些人会低估工作满意度的重要性,觉得憋在格子间里的工作生不如死。

    Some people underestimate the satisfaction of working , thinking they 'll be miserable in a cube .

  17. 对一个人轻松自如的生活,对另外一个人可能生不如死!

    A life is relaxed and free to a person , may possibly made the other want to die !

  18. 对于年轻人,金钱没有了可以再赚,一切都可以重来,可是对于他们,年岁不轻,生存有问题的人来说,钱没有了,可能生不如死。

    If he can 't get compensation , he is considering selling his house or suing the hospital that diagnosed him .

  19. 当权者让我们生不如死,而许多自由军的战士们变成了犯罪分子,世界却袖手旁观。

    The regime is killing us , many of the opposition fighters are becoming criminals and the world is watching it like a film .

  20. 天呐,这对我来说生不如死。意识到这个人就是从现在开始要跟我生活的人。

    Jesus , this is like worse than death to me , the idea that this is the person I gonna be from now on .

  21. 纹身师可以把你的身体变成一件鲜活的杰作,也能让你的生活成为地狱,让你每次照镜子都生不如死。

    They can turn your body into a living masterpiece , but tattoo artists also have the power to make your life hell , every time you look in the mirror .

  22. 难怪有人说宁可去杀人放火也不要得罪女人,杀人放火那也就是一颗子弹的事,得罪女人你就生不如死。

    No wonder people say that would rather go to kill people to set fire and do not sin against women , moralizing that also is a bullet , against women you more dead than alive .