
kònɡ zhì pán
  • control panel
  1. 他们设法把困在控制盘里的飞行员救了出来。

    They managed to extricate the pilot from the tangled control panel .

  2. 介绍了YZT24/5.6/0.5通信电源设备的交流监测及控制盘、整流器盘、24V输出盘的测试方法。

    This paper introduces the A. C monitoring of YZT24 / 5 . 6 / 0 . 5 communication power supply and the test method of the control panel , the rectifer panel and the 24V output panel .

  3. 在硬件设计的过程中,详细阐述了控制盘台上元器件的组成及其作用以及所选PLC模块的特性。2.对仿真平台的通信网络进行设计。

    And this paper describes the components and characteristics of the platform in the hardware design process . Second , the communication network for the simulation platform is designed .

  4. 综合后备控制盘(IBP)设计问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Design of the Integrated Backup Panel

  5. 各系统须配备两个独立的控制盘。

    Two separate panels are to be provided for the same .

  6. 所有输入接线箱或控制盘的接线应安装防雨措施。

    All entries to junction boxes or control panels shall be made weatherproof .

  7. 按钮开关在控制盘上。

    The pushbutton switch is on the console .

  8. 空压机仪表电气控制盘的改进处理

    Modification of instrument panel for air compressor

  9. 在墙上装有一个开关板(控制盘、配电箱)。

    There is a switch board ( control panel , distribution box ) mounted on the wall .

  10. 这种方法避免了视景仿真系统的画面与在控制盘台设备上操作信号的滞后现象,增强了仿真的真实感。

    This technique solves the delay phenomenon between the visual system and the operations on the control panel .

  11. 典型的锅炉有四个燃烧室分列成方形,每个燃烧室配一个控制盘。

    The typical stove has four burners arranged in a square , and a dial to control each .

  12. 将控制盘台的对外接线端子按热力控制参数定义,方便设计和安装、维护。

    Control platform connection terminals are named after controls parameters with the convenience of design , installation and maintenance .

  13. 就地控制盘的选择应满足相关区域防爆、防护等级及其它有关规范要求。

    Selection of local control panels shall meet requirements of explosion-proof rating , protection degree and other relevant codes .

  14. 它实现了仿真系统接口计算机及控制盘台或其它硬件间的数字量/模拟量的相互转换及传输。

    It realizes the data conversion and transport of simulation system interface between computer and control panel or other hardware .

  15. 电机、各种配电、控制盘柜及操作台的金属底座和外壳,均要加以接地保护。

    Electric motors , all kinds of distribution and control panels and cabinets and the metal supports and coating of the control platform should be grounded .

  16. 确定非洲控制盘尾丝虫病过程中使用的以社区为主的方法有效且高效地全面推行其他医疗干预措施的程度。

    To determine the extent to which the community-directed approach used in onchocerciasis control in Africa could effectively and efficiently provide integrated delivery of other health interventions .

  17. 5小齿轮的设计与控制盘开口尺寸、蜗轮蜗杆的传动比和制动衬片的实际磨损量有关,文中给出了它们的计算公式。

    Design for small gear relates to hatch size of control-pan - , worm-wheel ratio and fact abrasion quantum of brake block . This article gives their compute formula .

  18. I/O接口机箱则通过机箱内的不同功能的多个板卡,连接控制盘台或其它硬件设备,分散控制接口系统的各个输入输出通道。

    And I / O interface crates connect with control panel or other hardware devices using different function cards , dispersedly controlling each input and output channels of the interface system .

  19. 其中硬件系统包括仿真计算机、计算机网络、I/O接口系统和控制盘台等,软件系统包括实时仿真支撑平台、仿真系统、监控系统和视景系统等。

    The hardware includes simulation computer , computer network , I / O interface system and control panel , etc. The software includes real-time simulation software platform , simulation program , monitor system and visual system , etc.

  20. 上位主机集中监控通信链路中各个下位I/O接口机箱,下位I/O接口机箱直接连接控制盘台或其它硬件设备,分散控制接口系统的各个输入输出通道。

    The upside host computer fasten on controlling each downside I / O interface crate on the communication chain , and downside I / O interface crates directly connect with control panel or other hardware devices and dispersedly control each input and output channels of the interface system .

  21. 如果计划如期推行,装载了自动车道保持技术的汽车就可以合法在高速公路上行驶,只要时速不超过37英里,司机就可以不用控制方向盘,不过前提是所使用的技术已得到官方批准。

    If it goes ahead , it 'll allow cars with automated1 lane-keeping technology to be used legally on motorways2 without input3 from the driver at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour , provided the technology being used has official approval .

  22. 生物防治控制核盘菌是目前菌核病防治研究的重点方向。

    Biological control to S. sclerotiorum is an important research trend .

  23. 我很累,你来控制方向盘,好吗?

    I 'm rather tired ; will you take the wheel ?

  24. 供丝小车运行中飘落烟丝的控制方法盘尾丝虫病防治方案

    Prevention of Cut Tobacco Drop from Running Feed Dolly Onchocerciasis Control Programme

  25. 平移非摄像机视图模式控制仪表盘为视平高度。

    Pan Non-Camera View Mode The controls are at eye-level .

  26. 控制仪表盘为视平高度.油墨特性线的平行板粘度仪(铺展仪)

    The controls are at eye-level . parallel plate viscosimeter ( spread-o-meter )

  27. 当驾车通过路口时,保持双手控制方向盘。

    Keep both hands on the steering wheel as you drive through the intersection .

  28. 控制仪表盘为视平高度。

    The controls are at eye-level .

  29. 通过控制销盘试验中的散热条件测定了摩擦热对UHMWPE/钢摩擦副摩擦性能的影响;

    Influence of friction heat to UHMWPE / steel friction couple was studied by controlling condition of heat dissipation in pin-on-disc tester .

  30. 在现实中,该技术会跟踪路上的其他车辆并监视各车道,控制方向盘和刹车。

    In reality , the technology tracks other vehicles on the road and monitors lane lines , taking control of steering and braking .