
qǐ dònɡ shè bèi
  • start equipment
  1. 他们花了大约1个月的时间才搞清楚如何启动设备。

    It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment

  2. BIOS加载启动设备的第一个扇区并运行其包含的代码。

    The BIOS loads the first sector of the boot device and executes the code it contains .

  3. 将HBA设置为支持BIOS,并选择从DS8000启动设备。

    Set up HBA to enable the BIOS and select the boot device from DS8000 .

  4. 解决方法:如果这种情况发生,软启动设备(机)运行RUU升级程序。之后升级程序将继续运行。

    Solution : If this happens , you can just soft-reset the device and run RUU again . The update process will then continue .

  5. 基于单片机实现的供暖系统最佳启停自校正(STR)调节器例如,全自动调相机由响应于电压或电流,或两者组合的启动设备来启动或停止。

    Self-Tuning Optimum Start & Shut Regulator of Heating Plant Based on the Single Chip Microcoumputer ; For example , a fully automatic synchronous condenser is started and stopped by an initiating device responsive to voltage or current or both .

  6. 分析对比了不同储能单元和点火启动设备的应用特性,改进了放电电极、传输导线、推进剂供应装置以及其他结构件,论证了PPT电源系统的选型和设计方案。

    The application features of different energy storage units and discharge initiation devices were contrasted and analysed . The electrodes , transmission lines , propellant feed assembly and other accessories were ameliorated . The type and design project of power processing unit were demonstrated .

  7. 没有电,我怎么能启动设备呢?

    And without electricity , how can he operate his equipment ?

  8. 隔爆高压软启动设备在煤矿井下的应用

    Flame proof high pressure soft starting equipment applied in coal mine

  9. 在他们正启动设备时,镜片开始旋转,

    They just start the device , the mirror begans to rotate ,

  10. 它们可用作虚拟实例的启动设备,或作为辅助存储进行添加。

    They can be used as the boot device of virtual instances or attached as secondary storage .

  11. 发起人:在一个协商或交换中,协商或发起的启动设备一方。

    Originator : In a negotiation or exchange , the party that initiates the negotiation or exchange .

  12. 完成时,请启动设备管理程序并更改此设备的资源设置。

    When you have finished , start Device Manager and change the resource settings for this device .

  13. 热变水电阻一拖二启动设备在压缩机高压电机启动中的应用

    Application of " one driving two " thermal water resistance actuator in the start-up of compressor 's high-voltage motor

  14. 重启,然后选择正确的启动设备,或者插入启动介质(如启动光盘,启动软盘),然后按任意键继续。

    Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key .

  15. 密码:~~输入密码。如果忘记,必须冷启动设备。

    Password : ~ ~ Enter the password . If you forget it , you must cold boot your device .

  16. 若调相机通过监控来控制,其它所有设备仍都需要,仅启动设备可省略。

    If the condenser is to be controlled by supervisory control , all the other devices are still necessary , and only the initiating devices can be omitted .

  17. 主持人:是的。不过我想说的是,如果你把电池取出来了,那么你就可以重新启动设备,随意使用它了。

    THE HOST : Yes I was going to say that if you take the battery out , surely you can reboot the device and help yourself to it .

  18. 停电期间,加强巡检,确保安全,恢复供电后听从调度或大班长的安排,按正常操作步骤启动设备,及时恢复供冷冻水。

    Enhance patrol inspection to ensure safety during power-off period ; when power supply is restored , equipment shall be started according to normal operation procedures to restore chilled water supply in time under the direction of the dispatcher or the chief shift leader .

  19. 理论上来说由Alexa启动的设备只能对你说完“唤醒词”之后马上说的话进行录音,然后上传到亚马逊,远程服务器再利用语音识别来推断你的意思,然后将指令传回本地音箱。

    In theory , Alexa-enabled devices will only record what you say directly after the wakeword , which is then uploaded to Amazon , where remote servers use speech recognition to deduce your meaning , then relay commands back to your local speaker .

  20. 单击“疑难解答”启动这个设备的疑难解答。

    Click troubleshooter to start the troubleshooter for this device .

  21. 启动您设备上的文件资源管理器。

    Start file explorer on your device .

  22. 已启动虚拟设备%1的复制;此操作由时间间隔调度触发。

    Replication has been started for virtual device % 1 ; it was triggered by the interval schedule .

  23. 我们经常在事前以程式预设好刺激反应,然后使用简单、功率的感测器启动其他设备。

    We often use a simple , low-power sensor to turn on others in response to a preprogrammed stimulus .

  24. 然后内核开始启动,设备驱动程序开始向系统的剩余部分注册设备。

    Then , the kernel starts to boot and device drivers begin to register devices with the rest of the system .

  25. 没有设备状态信息。计算机可能需要重新启动或者设备需要重新安装。

    The device status is not available . The computer may need to be rebooted or the device may need to be reinstalled .

  26. 多屏幕显示支持不能启动此设备。通常用于视频的内存区被另一个程序或设备占用。

    Multiple Display Support cannot start this device . The area of memory normally used by video is in use by another program or device .

  27. 政府并不情愿提高柴油价格,因为上亿的农民需要柴油来启动农机设备,而汽油主要由相对富裕的城里人消费。

    Beijing has been particularly reluctant to raise diesel prices because the fuel is used by hundreds of millions of peasants to power agricultural equipment , while petrol is largely consumed by more affluent urbanites .

  28. EI上的AP状态显示是否启动了AP设备并正在运行基础架构过程。

    An AP state on the EI shows whether the AP machine is booted and running infrastructure processes .

  29. 此生产工具(PDT)提供了简单的自动化装载所有新NAND后启动的USB设备。

    This production tool ( PDT ) provides a simple automation to initiate a USB device after mounting all new NAND .

  30. 然后描述了一种嵌入式Linux系统的整个移植过程。从Bootloader,内核启动部分,设备驱动,文件系统等方面详细介绍了移植的方法和内容。

    Then discusses a whole porting process of embedded Linux from Boot loader , startup part of kernel , device drivers , file system and so on in detail .