
  • 网络Priming;priming effect
  1. 不同ISI下异同判断的同反应启动效应

    The " same " priming effect of same-different judgment under different Isis

  2. 实验结果表明,反应时数据和ERP数据在两种SOA条件下,均存在显著的情感启动效应。

    The RT findings replicated the affective priming effect , which showed that responses to affectively congruent trials were faster than affectively incongruent trials in each SOA condition .

  3. 当SOA为200ms时,首字颜色词素同样没有出现重复启动效应,而尾字颜色词素的启动效应也不再显著。

    But when SOA was 200ms , none of priming effect was showed .

  4. 根据多重记忆系统说(multiplememorysystemsview),脑内存在着结构和功能不同的多个记忆系统,通过启动效应使得存在于这些记忆系统中的图示被激活。

    According to the " multiple memory systems view ", there are many brain memory systems with different structure and function . The initial graphical representation existing in the memory system is activated by the priming effect .

  5. 跨深度空间启动效应主要应由N1的增强效应加以解释。

    The cross - depth cueing effect might be explained by Nl enhancement .

  6. 阈下情绪启动效应和Stroop效应之对比实验研究

    A Comparative Study of Subliminal Affective Priming and the Emotional Stroop Effect

  7. 而Hutchins和Palmer(2008)却在单声部旋律的知觉加工中发现了重复启动效应。

    Nevertheless , Hutchins & Palmer ( 2008 ) discovered the repetition priming effect in perception on monophonic melodies .

  8. 无论是短SOA还是长SOA,3-D空间中预测性中央符号线索对后续辨认任务均产生了启动效应,且启动效应量不随SOA延长而变化。

    At both the short and the long SOA , the predictive central symbolic cue produced a facilitative effect on the subsequent discrimination task in the 3-D condition , and the difference between the two treatments was not statistically significant .

  9. 结论本研究提示SOA为300ms时情绪启动效应已经衰减,并进一步验证了情绪启动效应的自动加工本质。

    Conclusion Affective priming effects decay rapidly , and they can be observed best for SOA shorter than 300ms , and confirmed the automatic process nature of affective priming effect .

  10. 各组均出现了语义和语音启动效应,轻度AD和MCI组假词判断的错误率(20.0%和14.4%)明显高于NC组(9.0%,P<0.01)。

    The semantic and phonological priming effects appeared in all groups . The accuracy of nonwords judgment in mild AD and MCI group ( 20.0 % and 14.4 % ) was significantly lower than NC ( 9.0 % , P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 研究发现,L1-L2跨语言句法启动效应随着L2语言水平的提高而不断增强,L2词条节点和关联结点的联结随着学习的深入将得到加强。

    As the experimental results turned out , L1-L2 cross-linguistic syntactic priming effect increases with the improvement of L2 proficiency . We argued that the link between L2 lemma node and the combinatorial node will be strengthened with further learning .

  12. 结果遗忘型MCI组存在语义性启动效应和知觉性启动效应,遗忘型MCI组较对照组外显记忆降低,而内隐记忆无显著差异。

    Results The group of forgetful-style MCI had semantic priming effect and apperceptive priming effect . In addition , this group also had a decline in explicit memory as compared with controls , however there was no significant difference in the implicit memory .

  13. 本研究从内隐社会认知的角度出发,利用内隐联想测验(IAT)的研究范式,根据启动效应的原理,探讨不同情景线索下个体的内隐攻击性。

    This paper from the implicit social cognition perspective , using the research paradigm of implicit association test ( IAT ), according to the principle of priming effects to discuss the individual implicit aggression under the different situational cues .

  14. 其次,运用实验法,即选择性注意负启动效应以及情绪诱发下Two-back记忆任务实验,考察PIU个体在自我控制过程中认知&情感的特点。

    Second , the individuals ' cognitive and emotional characteristics during self-control process were examined by introducing Two-back working memory task in emotional states and the negative priming in selective attention processing .

  15. 汉&英并列双语者图片命名的重复启动效应

    Within-and between-language repetition priming effect of picture naming in Chinese-English Bilinguals

  16. 中-英双语语义通达机制的启动效应实验

    The Priming Effects Experiments of the Accessing Mechanism Of Chinese-English Bilinguals

  17. 选择性注意的两种负启动效应研究回顾及比较

    Review and comparison of two negative priming effects in selective attention

  18. 语音与内隐攻击性启动效应的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Stimulation Effect on Sound and Inner Aggression

  19. 实验二研究第二种含义的情绪启动效应。

    Experiment 2 investigated the second kind of subliminal affective priming .

  20. 汉字双向启动效应的实验研究

    An experimental study of two way priming effect of Chinese characters

  21. 汉字同英文字母等材料一样可以发生显著的特性负启动效应;

    Chinese characters are also found negative priming as English letters ;

  22. 若强调反应速度,则表现出正启动效应。

    Positive priming effect was found when stressing the reaction speed .

  23. 结果没有发现任何启动效应。

    The result failed to show any type of priming effect .

  24. 不同加工任务下情绪词的掩蔽重复启动效应

    The Masked Repetition Priming Effect of Emotional Words With Different Encoding Tasks

  25. 角度学习对心理旋转的启动效应及其年龄差异

    The Priming of Angle Learning on Mental Rotation and Its Age Differences

  26. 不同难度刺激材料的汉字特性负启动效应研究

    Identity Negative Priming of Chinese Characters on Different Difficulty Stimulus

  27. 人们的行为也可以通过这种启动效应进行改变。

    People 's behavior can also be altered through priming .

  28. 内隐社会认知:印象形成的启动效应研究

    A study on priming effect of impression formation in implicit social cognition

  29. 不同联想等级语词的启动效应及其发展研究

    The priming effect of different associative level words and its developmental study

  30. 感知负载对干扰效应和负启动效应的影响

    The effect of perceptual load on interference and negative priming