
  • 网络subliminal perception;subliminal stimulation;subception
  1. 结果表明:阈下知觉和隐性广告不能单独起作用,阈上知觉作用非常显著;

    The result showed that no effect was produced only with subliminal perception or subliminal advertising ;

  2. 采用2(组别)×2(有无指导语)×2(是否学习)的3因素实验设计对80名大学生进行施测,以研究阈下知觉和隐性广告的作用。

    80 university students were selected as samples for the study of the function of subliminal perception and subliminal advertising with a three-factor experiment design of 2 ( groups )× 2 ( with or without direction )× 2 ( study or not ) .

  3. 阈下知觉研究中觉知状态测量方法的发展与启示

    The Development of Methods for Testing Awareness State in Subliminal Perceptual Studies and Its Imply

  4. 结果表明,阈下知觉启动具有一定的时间延续性,并不局限在某一特定时间点上,启动刺激的知觉状态受多种因素影响。

    This study indicated that perceptual priming could last a certain time course , and would not be limited to a certain time point , and the state of awareness to a prime was influenced by various factors .

  5. 基于行为方法的实验提示无意识(阈下)知觉和意识性(阈上)知觉具有质和量的差异,但其神经机制仍未澄清。

    Some behavioral experimental results suggested both qualitative and quantitative differences exist between subliminal ( unconscious ) and supraliminal ( conscious ) perceptions .