
  • 网络explicit;Explicit memory
  1. 结论麻醉剂量的丙泊酚[4.0~6.0mg/(kg·h)]可以消除外显记忆和内隐记忆。

    Conclusion Explicit memory and implicit memory appears to be impaired by propofol [ 4.0 ~ 6.0 mg / ( kg · h ) ] anesthesia .

  2. P组病人均存在内隐记忆,两联合用药组病人内隐记忆均消失。结论:小剂量异丙酚和咪达唑仑联合镇静可以消除外显记忆和内隐记忆。

    Implicit memory was spared in Group P. However , it was eliminated in Group PM 1 and Group PM 2 . Conclusions : Explicit memory and implicit memory can be eliminated by the small dose of propofol in combination with midazolam .

  3. 试验完毕后4h采用加工分离程序对患者进行包含和排除测验,并推算内隐记忆和外显记忆成绩。

    Four hours after the experiment , the inclusion and exclusion test were performed on the surgical ward using process dissociation procedure and the explicit and implicit memory scores were determined .

  4. PD组在图画再认、数字广度、汉词回忆、图形再生、经历定向等分测验和记忆广度、再认记忆、自由回忆、日常记忆、外显记忆等记忆因子上均显著低于对照组;

    The performance of patients with PD was significantly worse in picture recognition , digit span , word recall , picture reproduction , orientation , memory span , recognition , free recall , everyday memory , explicit memory than that of normal controls .

  5. 目的:研究石杉碱甲对遗忘型轻度认知损伤(Mildcognitiveimpairment,MCI)患者内隐和外显记忆功能的影响,为MCI患者的记忆功能康复训练提供理论依据。

    AIM : To study the effect of huperzine A on the function of implicit memory and explicit memory in patients with amnesia mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ), and provide theoretic evidence for rehabilitation training of mental function in patients with MCI .

  6. 结果遗忘型MCI组存在语义性启动效应和知觉性启动效应,遗忘型MCI组较对照组外显记忆降低,而内隐记忆无显著差异。

    Results The group of forgetful-style MCI had semantic priming effect and apperceptive priming effect . In addition , this group also had a decline in explicit memory as compared with controls , however there was no significant difference in the implicit memory .

  7. 文字再认的内隐和外显记忆的发展研究

    Implicit and explicit memory on linguistic recognition : a development study

  8. 内隐与外显记忆的编码与提取非对称性关系

    The Asymmetric Relationship Between Encoding and Retrieval in Implicit and Explicit Memory

  9. 动作内隐记忆与外显记忆存在功能上的独立性。

    The function of action implicit / explicit is independent .

  10. 焦虑个体对积极事件存在外显记忆优势。

    The anxious individual shows the explicit memory advantage in positive incident .

  11. 所有病人外显记忆均消失;

    The intraoperative explicit memory was lost among all patients .

  12. 认知风格与内隐/外显记忆关系的实验研究

    The Relationship Between Cognitive Style and Implicit / Explicit Memory

  13. 内隐记忆和外显记忆之间的关系一直以来都是记忆领域激烈争论的问题。

    The relationship between implicit memory and explicit memory has been heartedly argued .

  14. 人类外显记忆脑机制研究进展

    The Neural Mechanisms of Human Explicit Memory Formation

  15. 内隐和外显记忆测验的信度比较研究及思考

    Reliability comparisons between implicit and explicit memory measures

  16. 儿童对汉语知识内隐记忆和外显记忆的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on Implicit Memory and Explicit Memory of Young Children with Chinese Knowledge

  17. 外显记忆更多的受注意水平的影响,内隐记忆受注意水平影响不显著。

    Explicit memory is mainly affected by the influence of the levels of attention .

  18. OAA/S评分3分时存在外显记忆和内隐记忆;

    At OAA / S score of 3 both implicit and explicit memory existed ;

  19. 内隐和外显记忆的发展研究

    The development of implicit and explicit memory

  20. 内隐记忆与外显记忆之间具有随机独立性与功能独立性特点。

    There are features of stochastic independence and functional independence between implicit and explicit memory .

  21. 内隐记忆和外显记忆是两种不同的记忆系统,它们与大脑的不同区域相联系。

    Implicit memory and explicit memory are two distinct memory systems underlying different neural substrates .

  22. 生成与提取的加工类型一致性影响了数据驱动外显记忆测验的生成效应。

    The congruence of generating and retrieval process types affects generation effect in data-driven explicit memory .

  23. 结果发现:实验组较对照组外显记忆降低,内隐记忆存在。

    Compared with the control group , the explicit memory in the experimental group was decreased .

  24. 焦虑和负荷对动作内隐和外显记忆都有不同程度的影响,但动作内隐记忆受到的影响相对较小;

    Anxiety and loading have greater influence on explicit action memory than on implicit action memory .

  25. 在心境一致性实验中,自然抑郁组被试可能存在外显记忆缺损。

    In the mood-congruent experiment , disabilities of explicit memory were possibly found in natural depression subjects .

  26. 结论:脑外伤患者外显记忆受损,内隐记忆存在。

    Conclusion : The CHI patients were injured in explicit memory , but normal in implicit memory .

  27. 加工分离范式通过采用记得/知道程序来计算外显记忆中的熟悉性和意识性提取。

    The PDP uses remember / know procedure to compute the familiarity and recollection in explicit memory .

  28. 评分2分时,意识和外显记忆一同消失,内隐记忆存在。

    At OAA / S score of 2 implicit memory existed but P3 waves and explicit memory disappeared .

  29. 在诱发情绪状态下采用任务分离法使内隐记忆与外显记忆出现实验性分离。

    With the task dissociation framework , explicit and implicit memory had been dissociated under the induced affects .

  30. 而视障和明眼学生仅动作外显记忆受到编码方式的影响;

    For the blind and normal students , the encoding style affected their movements only in explicit memory .