
wài háng
  • layman;amateur;outsider;lay;layperson;unprofessional;uninitiated;nonprofessional;greenhorn;philistine;ignoramus;one who is out of one's line
外行 [wài háng]
  • (1) [philistine;ignoramus]∶对知识的某一专门领域一无所知的人

  • (2) [layman;greenhorn]∶不属于某专业或不专于某门知识或艺术的人

  • (3) [one who is out of one's line]∶本业称不属于本业的人为外行

  • (4) [lay;unprofessional]∶非专业性的

外行[wài háng]
  1. 基本上有两种,用外行话说就是青石棉和白石棉。

    There are basically two types called , in layman 's terms , blue and white asbestos .

  2. 该主题专业性太强,一般的外行人很难理解。

    The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman .

  3. 这项工作是一帮外行干的!

    This work was done by a bunch of amateurs !

  4. 对外行而言,这个系统似乎过于复杂。

    To the uninitiated the system seems too complicated .

  5. 外行不完全了解精神病。

    The layperson cannot really understand mental illness .

  6. 它不仅仅是职业外交家的教科书,里面的轶事趣闻外行的读者也会喜欢。

    It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats . The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes .

  7. 对于外行人来说,西部摇摆是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合。

    For the uninitiated , Western Swing is a fusion of jazz , rhythm blues , rock roll and country music

  8. 一提“心脏衰竭”四字,外行人就联想到命不久矣的情景。

    The mere mention of the words ' heart failure ' , can conjure up , to the layman , the prospect of imminent death

  9. 种庄稼他可不外行。

    He 's no amateur in farming .

  10. 我是个外行,我说的话可能贻笑大方,可我还是要说几句。

    I 'm a layman . What I 'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule , yet I still want to say a few words .

  11. 他很外行地试做了一个碗柜。

    He made an amateur attempt to build a cupboard .

  12. 讨论到哲学时我就是外行了。

    When it comes to discussing philosophy , I am off my beat .

  13. 我不该雇用他们&简直是一群外行。

    I shouldn 't employ them & they 're just a bunch of amateurs .

  14. 如果外行指导外行的话,那么两方肯定会掉到沟里边。

    If the blind lead the blind , both shall fall into the ditch .

  15. 我对股票很外行。

    I know very little about stocks .

  16. 一个客人问我,应该是那种做清洁用的金属丝,是什么,我是外行我公司没有,厂家请留言报个价吧。谢谢了。

    Above wires will be used for making Scourer to clean utensils .

  17. 这场音乐会颇有些外行客串的味道。

    The concert was rather an amateurish affair .

  18. 一本内行外行都可以读的书

    a book written for professionals and laymen alike

  19. 这块补丁有点像出自外行之手。

    This patch looks a bit unprofessional .

  20. 我对桥牌是外行。

    I am strange at bridge .

  21. 说到炒股票的智慧,我倒觉得你用不着外行帮忙

    When it comes to judiciousness in investing in stocks I don 't think you need any outside amateur help .

  22. 不过,WSDL中充满了冗余信息,这些信息对新手或外行而言并不是必需的。

    However , WSDL is full of redundant information that is unnecessary to the novice or layperson .

  23. 由9位随机抽选的外行人士、也就是所谓的陪审团认为,鉴于三星智能手机功能雷同iphone,疑点重重,因此不妨称三星为“山寨星”。

    According to nine randomly selected laymen which is to say , a jury samsungmight as well be known as samesung , since features of its smart phone suspiciously resemble the iPhone .

  24. 此方法的优点是涉众(RUP的外行)可以从熟悉的工件和角色开始,并且可以互相并对RUP顾问清楚地说明他们的意图。

    The advantage of this approach is that stakeholders ( outsiders to the RUP ) can start with familiar artifacts and roles and clearly explain their intention to each other and to the RUP consultant .

  25. RUP顾问(业务的外行)而后可以使用他或她的RUP知识,在可能的地方转化涉众对RUP的输入,并且识别出应该被保留的公司特有的角色和工件。

    The RUP consultant ( an outsider to the business ) can then use his or her knowledge of the RUP to translate the stakeholders ' input to RUP where possible and identify company-specific roles and artifacts that should be retained .

  26. 这种处理方法是以PML吸收边界和透明的激励为基础的,PML边界条件使外行波无反射地经过边界,而透明的电流激励源使散射波透明地通过激励平面。

    So there is no need to divide the field zone and set up the boundary connection condition at the excitation plane . This formulation is based on PML absorbing boundary condition and transparent current source .

  27. 罗姆尼当了四年的马萨诸塞州州长,曾担任摩门教主教(bishop),并曾负责2002年盐湖城冬季奥运会的筹办,因此我同意这种说法:此人对政界高级职位并不是完全外行。

    I accept Mr Romney was a governor of Massachusetts for four years , a Mormon bishop and ran the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City , so he is not a complete stranger to high office in the public arena .

  28. 我只是个瞎捣鼓的外行,但想到自己轻轻松松地就能录音并上传到YouTube或SoundCloud上,直接让广大网民听到时,真的是一个让人觉得“我们活在未来”的时刻。

    I 'm just an amateur messing around , but this is a real " we live in the future " moment when I think about how easy it is to do my own recordings and potentially upload them to YouTube or SoundCloud , directly to an open-ended internet audience .

  29. 那个年轻政客在文明用语纵舆论方面是个外行。

    The young politician is an amateur at manipulating public opinion .

  30. 用外行的话,真的很简单。

    In layman 's terms , it 's really pretty simple .