
qīng pín
  • be poor
清贫 [qīng pín]
  • [be poor] 生活清寒贫苦

  • 家道清贫

清贫[qīng pín]
  1. 从他的外表来看可以明显看出修道院生活的清贫。

    The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance .

  2. 修女须立誓保持清贫、贞洁、顺从

    Nuns are under vows of poverty , chastity and obedience .

  3. 可是第二个月他就难以忍受山上清贫辛苦的生活了,英语小故事但是为了学到仙术,他只得耐心等待。

    In the second month , he felt that he could not stand the hard and tiring life , but he still waited for the teacher to teach him the magical skills .

  4. 可是第二个月他就难以忍受山上清贫辛苦的生活了,但是为了学到仙术,他只得耐心等待。

    In his second month , he felt that he could not stand the hard and tiring life , but he still waited for the teacher to teach him the magical skills he wanted .

  5. MichaelMcGeough依靠一点微薄的固定工资过着清贫的生活。

    Michael McGeough lives a lean life on a fixed income .

  6. 印度历史上有一位伟大的明师生活清贫。

    One of the great masters of India was very poor .

  7. 他们住在市里的一个小公寓里,日子过得很清贫。

    They lived in poverty in a small apartment in the city .

  8. 罗宾逊的诗歌事业开始的时候,他也过着清贫凄苦和默默无闻的生活。

    His poetry career also began in poverty and obscurity .

  9. 我也从不因为我家的清贫而感到困惑。

    I also never because of our poor and puzzled .

  10. 他宁愿清贫不苟且,不愿钻营以谋高官厚禄。

    He prefers honest poverty to a high position obtained by questionable means .

  11. 以方志敏身上的那份清贫;

    Fang Zhimin on the share of the poor ;

  12. 一生清贫,诗书画及设计工作是我生命中的戏寄托。

    Writing poems , calligraphy , painting and designing are his game and sustenance .

  13. 明矾可以澄清浊水。宁为清贫,不为浊富

    Alum will settle turbid water . A clear fast is better than a dirty Breakfast

  14. “若生于诗书清贫之族,则为逸士高人”

    " Born into poor but cultured families , they will become high-minded scholars or recluses . "

  15. 里根的谦卑可以从他童年大部分时间都生活在一个清贫的家中反映出来。

    That humility is on display in the modest home where Reagan spent much of his childhood .

  16. 正是由于他们这种几十年如一日的清贫与奉献,他们当选为2008年“感动中国”十大人物之一。

    Their dedication and love have won them the honor as one of the top ten people touching China in2009 .

  17. 看看周围的屋子,古老破旧的家具。我想,赫伯特一定很清贫,

    Looking around the room , at the old , worn furniture , I realized that Herbert must be very poor .

  18. 清贫与寂寞,鲜花与赞美,都淡然迎送,心灵坦荡,如无际的原野。

    The poor and lonely , flowers and praise , are indifferent protocol , magnanimous mind , such as the boundless wilderness .

  19. 女人的清贫日子,怀着花的心情,平淡日子便是国色天香,有滋有味了。

    Woman 's impoverished day and fade life is flavorful like the peony if you are armed with the flower 's mood .

  20. 乘风航是一个注册慈善机构,拥有一艘长27.5米的中国式帆船“欢”号,接载清贫和伤残青少年出海,为他们提供航海训练。

    It is a registered charity which maintains the27.5-metreChinese sailing junk , Huan , providing nautical training programmes for underprivileged and handicapped children .

  21. 他生活清贫,衣食简朴,以打柴为生,平时为周围渔民治病。

    He lived poor , simple food and clothing , to collect firewood for a living , usually around the fishermen for the treatment .

  22. 在世界上,还有一群在生命本质上与文人一样的人&那就是清贫而幸福的农人。

    In the world , there is another group of people who are basically the same as writer & that is poor and happy farmers .

  23. 如果因为清贫,你整天要为鸡毛蒜皮的小事斤斤计较,你还怎么能是幸福的人呢?

    If because of moneyless you have to haggle over every ounce for every little thing all days , how could you be a happy person ?

  24. 然而,现在加入到过着宁静清贫生活的修道士行列的年轻人越来越多了,这些年轻人受过良好教育,常常具有专业或学术背景。

    Now , however , increasing numbers of educated young men , often with professional or academic backgrounds , are being drawn to the tranquil monastic lifestyle .

  25. 一项研究表明:童年性格开朗的小孩,长大以后赚钱更多;无论其出生在富贵还是清贫人家。

    A study has found that children with a sunny disposition go on to earn more as adults , even if their parents were not educated or high earners .

  26. 不是的,我明白我应当工作,以便奉养老母,报答你,不让孩子们像我过去那样清贫。

    No , I know I must work to comfort my mother , repay you , and not leave my children in beggary , as I was left myself .

  27. 尽管他们富甲一方,兄弟俩却一生清贫,哈罗德于1995年逝世,享年96岁,莫里斯于1996后离开,享年98岁。

    Despite their great wealth , the brothers lived like they were in poverty until their deaths : Harrold in 1995 at age 96 and Maurice in 1996 at 98 .

  28. 他赞美纯粹意义上的爱情,而丝毫不考虑世俗的偏见,让可爱而清贫的年轻人沉浸在理想化的情爱世界里。

    He praises the pure sense of love , and there is no any secular bias , so that the poor and lovely young man immersed in an idealized world of love .

  29. 古人称赞豆腐有和德。吃豆腐的人能安于清贫,而做豆腐的人也懂得顺其自然。

    The ancient people praised it saying tofu has merits . Those who have tofu are contained within simple life , and those who make tofu understand as to let life take its course .

  30. 清贫,是连帝王也可能会指之为已物来引以为荣的一粒宝石,但我则情愿待价而沽之。他引导他们觐见女王。

    Honest poverty is a gem that even a king might be proud to call his own , but I wish to sell out . He marshaled them into the presence of the Queen .