
  • 网络Back to 1942;Temperature so 1942;Untitled Remembering 1942 Project
  1. 那个带我到了最近的一九四二年的循环

    That led me to the nearest loop back in nineteen forty-two ,

  2. 而凭借最新史诗巨制《一九四二》,冯小刚导演或许可以摆脱这些骂名。

    But with his new epic Back to 1942 , Feng might avoid such criticism .

  3. 毫无问题是,他在一九四○年至一九四二年间的传道式工作与那次决定性的成功有很大关系。

    Unquestionably his missionary work between 1940 and 1942 had much to do with eventual success .

  4. 克拉克将军和我及几位助理员,在一九四二年六月下旬,离开华盛顿。

    General Clark and I , with a few assistants , left Washington in late June 1942 .

  5. 一九四○年至一九四二年为第二阶段,人民负担加重了。

    In the second stage , from 1940 to 1942 , the burden on the people was increased .

  6. 〔2〕刘少白,一九四二年十一月被选为晋绥边区临时参议会副议长。

    Liu Shao-pai had been elected Vice-Chairman of the Provisional Council of the Shansi-Suiyuan Border Region in November 1942 .

  7. 一九四一年和一九四二年是抗日战争期间根据地最困难的时期。

    The years 1941 and 1942 were the hardest for the Liberated Areas in the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  8. 要塞人们一度认为新加坡这个设防的城市是无法征服的,然而在一九四二年这个要塞落入日本之手。

    The fortified city of Singapore was once considered unconquerable . In 1942 , however , this citadel fell to the Japanese .

  9. 一九四二年我们禁止缠足,当时我们下了一道命今,提出了一个口号,叫‘解放小脚’,凡是缠足的女人都罚款;

    We issued an order and adopted a slogan : 'Emancipate feet . 'The family of any woman with bound feet was fined .

  10. 一九四二年,法国在德军占领下,圣纳泽尔港诺曼第船坞是德国大型战舰在大西洋海岸唯一可以开入的船坞。

    In1942 , the Normandie Dock of St Nazaire in German-occupied France was the only Atlantic seaboard facility capable of taking in any large German warship .

  11. “联合国”这一名称是富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统设想出来并在一九四二年一月一日的联合国宣言中第一次使用。

    The name " United Nation " was devised by President Franklin D.Roosevelt and was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of Januaryl , 1942 .

  12. (本文刊载于《新华日报》华北版一九四二年十二月十五日《特刊》。)创刊号在出版隔日就售罄。

    ( Carried in the special issue of the north China edition of Xinhua Daily , December 15 , 1942 . ) Its launch issue was sold out the day after it hit the streets .

  13. 一九四二年五月八日,法国一位叫勒内.迪谢的房屋油漆匠来到诺曼底一家机构的办事处:这家机构负责为希特勒建造规模庞大的「大西洋长城」防御系统,以备盟军进攻。

    On 8 May 1942 , a French house painter named Rene Duchez arrived at the offices of an organisation in Normandy which was charged with building Hitler 's Atlantic Wall , a colossal system of defences against Allied invasion .

  14. 《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。(本文刊载于《新华日报》华北版一九四二年十二月十五日《特刊》。)

    The Chinese edition of the book " The New Middle East " has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing . ( Carried in the special issue of the north China edition of Xinhua Daily , December 15 , 1942 . )

  15. 相对于他执导的《一九四二》以及《唐山大地震》等历史题材电影而言,我更喜欢冯导最擅长的“老本行”——讽刺和幽默,尽管前者尚属佳作,但却并非独树一帜。

    Compared with his historical epics , such as Back to 1942 and Aftershock , which , to me , looked impressive but lacked a certain edge , I prefer Feng 's more satirical and humorous works that made him famous to begin with .