
  • 网络A new star;A Rising Star
  1. 他成为比利时化学领域的一颗新星,但贝克兰德再也没有回到自己的故土。

    He was a rising star of chemistry in Belgium , but Baekeland never looked back to his native land .

  2. 路易斯安那州州长鲍比。金达尔,印第安移民的后裔,是共和党中冉冉升起的一颗新星。

    Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal , the son of Indian immigrants , is a rising star in the party .

  3. 那些天文学家发现了一颗新星。

    The astronomers have discovered a new star .

  4. WEBService技术是IT业界的一颗新星。

    Web Service technology is a new star in the IT industry .

  5. 1928年张钰哲在芝加哥学习时发现了一颗新星,临时将其命名为1928UF,后来编号为1125。

    While studying in Chicago , in 1928 he discovered an asteroid , which was given the provisional designation 1928 UF and later the number 1125 .

  6. 长蛇座TW的年龄大约在300万至1000万年之间,比一颗新星稍微老一些。

    At some three million to 10 million years of age , it 's relatively old for a young star .

  7. 但是1986年又发现了一颗新星,编号为1986QK1,这颗新星经过确认就是丢了的1928UF,于是这颗新星被命名为3789“中国号”。

    However , in 1986 , the newly discovered object 1986 QK1 was confirmed to be a rediscovery of the original 1928 UF , and this object was named 3789 Zhongguo .

  8. 1957年紫金山天文台发现了一颗新星,经由张钰哲同意这颗编号为1957UN1的新星取代了找不到的1928UF被命名为1125“中华号”。

    In 1957 , the Purple Mountain Observatory in China discovered a new asteroid , and with his agreement the new object 1957 UN1 was re-assigned the official designation 1125 China in place of the lost 1928 UF .

  9. 据报导他们发现了一颗新星。

    It 's reported that they have discovered a new star .

  10. 一颗新星首次有人见到。

    The first sighting of a new star .

  11. 一颗新星!我从未见过如此又亮又大的星星。

    A new star ! I 've never seen such a big bright star .

  12. 热烈祝贺一颗新星的跃起

    Warmly Congratulation For A New Star Upspring

  13. 《慰藉》是又一颗新星在文学舞台上充满温暖和智慧的初演。

    " Solace " is a warm and wise debut from a new literary talent .

  14. 但在本届杯赛上,他却是德国队中相当闪亮的一颗新星。

    But in this Cup , he is the first German team were quite brilliant star .

  15. 一颗新星正在升起。

    A new star is rising .

  16. 据说金正日出生时天空出现了一颗新星。

    A new star is said to have emerged in the sky when Kim Jong-il was born .

  17. 他们报道出现了一颗新星(他们报道说看见了一颗新星)。

    They reported the appearance of a new star ( that they had seen a new star ) .

  18. 那时候,在第三密度世界看来,一颗新星将会诞生,而地球将被点燃。

    At such a time , in the third dimension a star shall be born , and Earth shall be inflamed .

  19. 南昌市作为中部地区的一颗新星,经济的发展在不断壮大,产业结构也在不断优化。

    As a rising star in central china . Nanchang has a better picture in economy with optimized structure of industry .

  20. 在全球教育界,芬兰人俨然令世人瞩目的一颗新星,就连芬兰人自己也有点吃惊。

    The Finns are as surprised as much as anyone else that they have recently emerged as the new rock stars of global education .

  21. 公司以雄厚的技术力量,先进的生产设备,完善的检测手段,善战的海天团队,使公司一跃成为兽药界一颗新星。

    Companies to strong technical force , advanced production equipment , perfect detection means , the Haitian team , the company became a new star of veterinary profession .

  22. 在2013巴宝莉春夏时装秀活动上,现年10岁的罗密欧作为一颗新星亮相舞台。他与伊迪•坎贝尔和卡拉•德莱文涅一同展示了个人作为模特的处女秀。

    The 10-year-old has been unveiled as the newest star of Burberry 's Spring / Summer 2013 campaign , making his modelling debut alongside Edie Campbell and Cara Delevingne .

  23. 中国最早的客星记载是大约公元前14世纪出现于天蝎座(心宿二)附近的一颗新星。

    The earliest record on guest stars in China dates back to as early as in the 14th century BC , about a nova near the a Star on the Scorpio Constellation .

  24. 种族冲突,物资匮乏,再加上全球最高的通货膨胀率,这一切使得津巴布韦在游客心目中的地位一落千丈,邻国赞比亚则顺势成了南部非洲的一颗新星。

    As racially motivated violence , shortages of goods and the world 's highest rate of inflation make Zimbabwe unattractive to tourists , neighboring Zambia has become the new star in southern Arica .

  25. 当9岁女孩林妙可在上周五的北京奥运会开幕式上表演了一曲激动人心的革命颂歌之后,中国国有媒体很快把她吹捧成一颗新星。

    Lin Miaoke was quickly hailed as a budding star by China 's state media after the pig-tailed nine-year-old performed a rousing rendition of a revolutionary anthem during last Friday 's Beijing Olympics opening ceremony .

  26. 冷战后,随着东亚国家经济的迅速发展和相互依赖性的增强,东亚国家间合作日益紧密,这使得东亚地区成为了国际舞台上升起的一颗新星。

    As the economic and the interdependence of East Asian countries develop rapidly , the cooperation between East Asian countries became more closer , which makes the region into the arena as the rising star .

  27. 与其说他是本届欧洲杯中冉冉升起的一颗新星,不如说是仍包裹在翅膀中——从某种程度上讲——待飞的彼得•潘(巴洛克利这样描述自己)。

    Rather than a star being born at this tournament , one still remains in the wings - to an extent - a Peter Pan ( as Balotelli described himself ) waiting to be fully airborne .

  28. 这部电影的导演丹尼斯?维伦纽瓦是导演界正在崛起的一颗新星,也是一个有远见的人。他执导的讲述外星人和人类初次接触的电影《降临》颇有深度的叙事手法和敏锐的视觉效果肯定让奥斯卡奖评委印象深刻。

    And it 's directed by rising visionary Denis Villeneuve , who dazzled many with his alien first-contact drama Arrival , a film of stunning narrative depth and visual acuity that may have also gone over Academy Awards voters " heads .

  29. 企业管理所处的环境、企业竞争的焦点以及企业战略的选择都发生了重大变化,知识管理作为管理界的一颗新星正在冉冉升起,成为现代企业经营管理的创新点。

    The environment of enterprises management , the focus on which enterprises compete and strategy choices of enterprises have all changed greatly . Knowledge management , onr new star in the circle of management , is rising gradually and becoming the creative point of enterprise management and administration .

  30. 在我们的星系中每10年至少有一颗超新星出现。

    At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy .