
  1. 在你扑捉到适宜海浪之前,浪潮一浪又一浪地涌向你,越来越快。

    Wave after wave seems to come quicker before you can catch a good one .

  2. 这种要命的疲倦,就像大海一样,一浪又一浪地涨过来,一点一点地吞噬着他的意识。

    It was very like a sea , this deadly languor , that rose and rose and drowned his consciousness bit by bit .

  3. 如果你犹豫不决、悲悲戚戚、牢骚满腹地抱怨生活的艰难,那么一浪又一浪的困境将会让你摔个底朝天。

    If you procrastinate , whine , and complain about the hard situations in life , the waves of difficulties will roll you upside down .

  4. 曾几何时,一些国产洗发水品牌取得了骄人的成绩,然而,在一浪又一浪的广告战、价格战、口水战和渠道战之后,他们迅速陨落,成了名噪一时的品牌。

    Once , some domestic shampoo brand have obtained proud achievement , however , after the advertisement war , the price war , the saliva battle , channel fight once and again , the brand became famous and made an uproar for the moment and passed away rapidly .