
  • 网络primary recovery;primary oil recovery;POR
  1. 继利用天然能量进行油田开发的一次采油之后,在20世纪以注水保持油田能量为主的二次采油得到了很大的发展。

    In the twentieth century , secondary recovery technology for the formation pressure maintenance by injecting water developed greatly after the primary depletion technique .

  2. 而疏松砂岩稠油油藏中进行适度出砂生产,却能够大幅度提高油井的产能及一次采油的采收率,创造较好的经济效益和社会效益。提高电泵在砂岩油藏中使用寿命的完井工具

    On the other hand , producing with limited sand in unconsolidated sand reservoir will enhance the oil rate and lower the costs of sand proof . The completion tools improving the lifetime of the electro-pump well in unconsolidated sand reservoir

  3. 该文对一次采油、二次采油、三次采油的开发阶段划分,对三次采油方法在中、低含水期相机插入而不是等到高含水期才用,提出了新的认识;

    This paper presents some new thoughts on the classification of primary , secondary and tertiary oil recovery periods , and on the application of tertiary oil recovery in low and medium water cut period instead of high water cut period .

  4. 三元复合驱驱油技术是一种三次采油技术。

    Alkali-surfactant-polymer flooding is a kind of Tertiary Oil Recovery technique .

  5. 泡沫复合驱是在三元复合驱的基础上发展起来的一项三次采油新技术。

    Foam combined flooding is a new EOR technique which was developed on the basis of alkaline-surfactant-polymer combined flooding method .

  6. 随着开采的日益深入,大庆油田已进入高含水后期开发阶段,碱/表面活性剂/聚合物三元复合驱成为继聚合物驱后进行剩余油挖潜的又一项重要三次采油技术。

    With the progress of exploration , Daqing oil field has turned into high-water period . ASP flooding is another important EOR technology after polymer flooding .

  7. 该技术具有投资少、见效快、增油显著的特点,是一种深化二次采油、改善水驱油藏开发效果的有效技术手段。

    This technique has the outstanding advantages of small investment needed , rapid response speed and prominent increase of production and is an effective technological measure to deepen secondary recovery and improve development effects of waterflooding reservoirs .