
yī lǎn zi jiāo yì
  • package deal;package formula
  1. ·包含咨询服务、硬件、软件和应用软件在内的价格低廉的一揽子交易

    Low-cost package of consulting services , hardware , software and applications

  2. 该组合同按一揽子交易签订;

    The group of contracts is signed as a package deal ;

  3. 就在中柬签署一揽子交易三天前,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在访问柬埔寨首都金边期间表示,柬埔寨应当保持一种不“过于依赖”中国的外交政策。

    The flurry of Sino-Cambodian deals comes just three days after Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , said during a visit to Phnom Penh , the capital , that Cambodia should maintain a foreign policy that was not " too dependent " on China .

  4. 他们拒绝了资方提出的那笔一揽子交易。

    They rejected the package deal put forward by the management .

  5. 这种融资方式是一揽子交易的一种。

    So that 's one illustration of a package deal .

  6. 他们力图搞一揽子交易结束这场争论。

    They are trying to put together a package that will end the dispute .

  7. 大臣们力图搞个一揽子交易结束这场争论。

    Ministers are trying to put together a package that will end the dispute .

  8. 他们分别是一揽子交易,并承诺继续为篮球事业共同努力。

    They were a package deal , and pledged to continue their hoops careers together .

  9. 他想要逗弄我,于是就露出口风说,苏联愿意讨论一揽子交易。

    He tried to tantalize me by revealing that the Soviet Union was prepared to discuss a package deal .

  10. 多年来,我们发现客户更喜欢一揽子交易,而不是花时间来协商附加内容。

    We have found over the years that clients prefer to have a self-contained package rather than spending time negotiating add-ons .

  11. 包括机票、住宿、在剧场会餐等方面的一揽子交易则高达4.5万美元。

    Some package deals that include airfare , hotel and a gala dinner at the opera site can run as high as $ 45,000 .

  12. 但是为了实现这一点,捐助者还必须审视自身,确保它们的投资组合可以提供一个一致的建设国家农业生产能力的“一揽子交易”。

    But to achieve that , donors must also look to their own houses and ensure their portfolios provide a coherent'package'that builds national capacity in agricultural production .

  13. 不过,俄罗斯各银行需要以贷款,减税和延期缴税的形式支付高达1300亿美元的一揽子交易。

    This comes on top of a $ 130 billion package doled out to Russian banks in the form of loans , tax cuts and delayed tax payments .

  14. 不搞争论,是我的一个发明。不争论,是为了争取时间干。大臣们力图搞个一揽子交易结束这场争论。

    It was my idea to discourage contention , so as to have more time for action . Minister was trying to put together a package that would end the dispute .

  15. 美国人对“一揽子”交易兴趣十足。

    Americans " package " full interest in the transaction .