
  1. 一级经销商是FDA对国外制造商的正式联络人。

    The initial distributor is the foreign manufacturer 's official correspondent with the FDA .

  2. 相关于GMP,该一级经销商应负责建立投诉文档并负责保留通常记录的要求。

    With regards to the GMP , this initial distributor is responsible for maintaining complaint files and general record keeping requirements .

  3. 提示:请一级经销商直接在线讯价,网价仅供参考!

    Tip : dealer direct online information price , net price is for reference only !

  4. 开发二级分销商,管理一级经销商。

    Supervise dealers and develop secondary distributors .

  5. 美联储指出他将和一级经销商商讨定期证券借贷工具的技术设计特点。

    The Federal Reserve said it will consult with primary dealers on technical design features of the TSLF .

  6. 在听到三鹿要破产的消息后,全国各地的数百名三鹿一级经销商蜂拥而至。

    Sanlu in to hear the news of bankruptcy throughout the country hundreds of Sanlu flocked to a dealer .

  7. 据此,关于如何促进二级经销商合理健康的发展,以解决现阶段汽车营销渠道下沉面临的各种问题,本文也对厂商和一级经销商提供了有价值的策略建议。

    Accordingly , how to promote rational and healthy development of marketing channels , the paper also provided valuable strategic proposals to manufacturers and authorized dealers .