
  1. 前列腺癌的Ad5-TRAIL基因疗法处于一期临床实验阶段,目的是为了得到病人安全用药的合适药物剂量。

    The Ad5-TRAIL gene therapy for prostate cancer research trial is a Phase I study designed to test the optimal dosage at which the therapeutic agent can safely be given to patients .

  2. 他们将挑选健康的成年和老年参与者进行一期临床试验。

    Healthy adults and elderly participants are chosen to phase one clinical trial .

  3. 经国家药品监督管理局批准,JS016进入一期临床试验。

    JS016 entered a phase-1 clinical trial after an approval by the National Medical Products Administration .

  4. 肾复康胶囊的一期临床研究及实验研究已取得可喜成果,作为国家中医药管理局科研课题,达到了预期的目标。

    Phase I clinical trial and experimental trial of Shen fu Kang capsule have obtained gratifying result .

  5. 研究者计划在一期临床实习阶段再加入12位参与者。

    Investigators plan to enroll up to12 additional participants in the Phase I segment of the study .

  6. 所有参与试验的病人都将会得到心脏干细胞疗法,因为该疗法是已经通过了安全性和可行性试验的一期临床试验。

    All patients enrolling in the clinical trial will receive the cardiac stem cell therapy , since this is a phase one clinical trial designed to test the treatment 's safety and feasibility .

  7. 左半结肠癌伴梗阻一期吻合临床应用分析

    Analyse the clinical application of left colon cancer with obstructive by one stage anastomosis

  8. 软腭癌术后缺损一期修复的临床研究

    Clinical study of primary repairing after resecting the soft palate carcinoma

  9. 胆总管切开探查术后选择性一期缝合的临床探讨

    Clinical Study of Primary Suture of Common Bile Duct after Exploration

  10. 结肠损伤32例一期手术治疗临床分析

    Clinical Study of Treatment of One-stage Operation on 32 Patients with Traumatic Colon

  11. 相控心血管造影200例临床实践的体会胆总管探查后一期缝合的临床实践与研究

    Clinical studies on phased angiocardiography of 200 cases

  12. 目的探讨低位结肠癌伴急性梗阻一期切除吻合临床疗效。

    Primary resection and anastomosis of left hemicolonic carcinoma with complicated acute intestinal obstruction ;

  13. 医用胶自体颅骨碎片粘合一期成形术临床研究

    Clinical study of primary operation of auto cranial bone chip conglutination with medical adhesive

  14. 研究结果在最新的一期《美国临床营养学杂志》上发表。

    Results of the study were published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

  15. 胆管空肠吻合一期缝合的临床研究一层缝合法在高位及低位消化道吻合中的应用

    Clinical study of T tube free choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y Study of single layer anastomosis in upper and lower alimentary tract anastomosis

  16. 目的:探讨重度腰椎滑脱病人前后路一期手术的临床疗效及手术适应证。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical effect and operation indications of severe lumbar spondylolisthesis with anterior and posterior once operation .

  17. 另外,卡培他滨也可与其他药物联合应用,其联合化疗方案正在一项大型III期临床中进行评估。

    In addition , capecitabine has been combined with other drugs and is undergoing an investigation in a large phase III trial .

  18. 40例获得一期愈合,平均临床愈合时间SHS组为4.1个月,DHS+TSP组4.5个月,DCS组3.9个月,IMF组3.7个月;

    Forty patients had good healed after the operation . The average healing time were 4.1 months in SHS , 4.5 months in DHS + TSP , 3.9 months in DCS , and 3.7 months in IMF .

  19. 胸腰椎结核一期手术治疗的临床观察

    Clinical observation of one-stage surgical management for thoracic and lumbar spinal tuberculosis

  20. 巨大肝癌一期手术切除的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of primary operative resection for huge liver cancer

  21. 带教上海中医药大学一年级学生小学期临床见习的体会

    Experience of Clinical Direction for Freshmen of TCM University

  22. 眼睑恶性肿瘤切除术后缺损一期修复19例临床研究

    Clinical Study of One-stage Repair Plastic Surgery for Eyelid Malignant Tumor in 19 Cases

  23. 目的:研究胃癌穿孔患者一期切除治疗的临床疗效。

    Purpose : To evaluate the effect of one stage resection in the treatment of perforation of gastric cancer .

  24. 目的探讨左侧大肠癌合并肠梗阻病例,进行一期切除吻合的临床处理方法。

    Objective To investigate the case of left-semicolon cancer with intestinal obstruction for the methods of one-stage resection and anastomosis .

  25. 方法回顾性分析27例急性左半结肠梗阻行术中灌洗一期手术吻合的临床资料。

    Methods To review and analyze the clinical materials of27 cases for colon irrigation intraoperatively and one-stage anastomosis of left hemi-colon acute obstruction .

  26. 生物技术公司心领神会,从那以后,许多以癌症、心血管疾病和高血压为目标的疫苗被研究,并进入一期和二期临床试验。

    Biotechnology companies took the hint , and since then , several vaccines targeting cancers , cardiovascular disease and hypertension have made it to phase I and II clinical trials .

  27. 五个非洲国家目前正在开展候选艾滋病毒疫苗的一期和二期临床试验:博茨瓦纳、肯尼亚、卢旺达、南非、乌干达,坦桑尼亚很快也将介入。

    Five African countries are currently conducting phase I and phase II clinical trials of candidate HIV vaccines : Botswana , Kenya , Rwanda , South Africa , Uganda , soon to be joined by Tanzania .

  28. 为何酒鬼比不喝酒者活得长?最新一期《酒精中毒临床与实验研究》刊登的文章指出,尽管原因不明,不喝酒确实会导致死亡率升高,即使不算那些之前喝酒后来戒酒的人。

    Clinical and Experimental Research suggests that - for reasons that aren 't entirely clear - abstaining from alcohol does tend to increase one 's risk of dying , even when you exclude former problem drinkers .