
  • 网络incoming flow
  1. 定常数值模拟结果表明,近失速工况下泄漏涡在叶片通道内部发生破碎,涡破碎使得堆积在机匣壁上的低能流体迅速扩散,对来流产生了很大的阻塞效应。

    The vortex breakdown results in the low-energy fluid accumulating on the casing wall spreads out remarkably , which has a large blockage effect on incoming flow .

  2. 顺时针方向来流预旋条件下,来流预旋的一部分用于抵消科氏力产生的逆时针方向旋转作用,剩余部分产生了顺时针方向旋转运动。

    When the prerotation in the incoming flow is clockwise , parts of the prerotation was used to counteract the effect of the Coriolis force , and the remains was used to produce the clockwise vortex .

  3. 进口受控非定常来流同振荡叶栅相互作用的Euler方程数值解

    Numerical Euler solution for the interaction between oscillating cascades and forced inlet unsteadiness

  4. 计算表明,当来流流速u∞不同时.压力系数Cp分布是不同的。

    The results show that pressure coefficients are not the same for different velocities in the entrance .

  5. 结果表明在动态来流条件下,低Re数对翼型特性影响较小,而fr数是影响翼型性能的关键。

    Results show f_r is the dominating factor influencing the performance of airfoil in dynamic inflow , while Re Number impacts less on it .

  6. 不同物形及来流条件造成尾迹转捩位置的改变,从而影响RCS的数值及其沿轨道的分布;

    Different body shapes and flow field parameters will change the location of wake transition and eventually the value and distribution of RCS .

  7. 使用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,模拟均匀来流绕固定圆柱的流动,模拟雷诺数为20,40100时的绕流流动,得到流场的流函数等值线图和速度矢量图。

    Uniform flow around a mounting cylinder is simulated with the application of FLUENT software while Reynolds number is 20,40,100 . Stream function and velocity vector distributions are indicated .

  8. 其次,考察了初始来流温度、初始压力、来流Mach数和来流偏折角对流场特性和爆轰波结构的影响。

    Secondly , the effects of initial temperatures , initial pressure , incoming flow Mach number and incoming flow deflection angle on the detonation wave structure were investigated .

  9. 在南航非定常风洞中,运用PIV测量技术,研究了非定常自由来流下三角翼前缘涡瞬时涡结构的变化。

    The instantaneous vortex structure of the leading-edge vortices on a delta wing in unsteady free stream is investigated via particle image velocimetry in unsteady wind tunnel of NUAA .

  10. 从涡量流函数形式的N-S方程出发,在不同的振动频率、振幅及Re数下数值研究了均匀来流中横向振动圆柱粘性统流的涡脱泻现象。

    Vortex shedding from a circular cylinder oscillating transversely in uniform flows is numerically investigated using the Navier-Stokes equations for different oscillating frequencies , amplitudes and Reynolds numbers .

  11. c.攻角、喷流压比、喷流马赫数、来流边界层状态等内、外流参数变化对横向喷流干扰效应的影响分析。

    Finally , the qualitative and quantitative effect of parameters such as attack angle , pressure ratio of jet , Mach number of jet and state of boundary layer on lateral jet interaction are analyzed in detail .

  12. 屋盖响应分析结果表明,当开孔结构的Helmholtz频率、弹性屋盖的固有频率以及来流中所包含的涡脱落频率,三者接近时,屋盖将发生较大的共振。

    Studies on roof response of sudden opening indicate that resonance vibration will be caused if Helmholtz frequency , roof natural frequency and eddy wake current frequency are the same .

  13. 采用Davenport水平脉动风速谱,利用三角级数对开孔处的来流风速时程进行模拟。

    By adapting Davenport spectrum for horizontally fluctuating wind , wind velocity time history at the opening was simulated by using trigonometric series .

  14. 本文详细测量了圆柱尾迹中CO2气体射流的浓度分布,研究了空气来流速度和圆柱直径等参数对射流浓度分布的影响;

    The concentration distribution of a CO_2 jet in the wake of a circular cylinder is measured , and the effects of co-flowing air velocity and the diameter of circular cylinder on the concentration distribution of the CO_2 jet are presented .

  15. 同时以商用软件FLUENT为工具,对方形水槽内不同方向来流预旋情况下的流动进行了数值解析,模拟得到的旋涡的方向和位置与实验结果符合。

    The flow fields in the flume under different incoming flow conditions were numerically simulated using commercial software Fluent . The shape and position of the vortex obtained by numerical simulation agree well with that of the experiments .

  16. 针对电弧风洞高焓气体来流条件,通过数值求解三维化学非平衡Navier-Stokes方程,分析无烧蚀球锥全目标绕流场真实气体效应。

    On the incoming flow condition of high enthalpy air in an electric arc wind tunnel , three-dimensional chemical non - equilibrium Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically to analyze real gas effect in complete flowfields around a non-ablated spherical cone model .

  17. 本文分析了长江、嘉陵江汇流的来流条件和河道自身地形特点,以EFDC水动力模型为基础,建立了重庆两江汇流水动力模型。

    A two river confluence model is developed that describes the flow field and confluence characteristic of Yangtze river in Chongqing .

  18. 考虑嵊泗鱼礁投放区的流速、水深的调查结果,来流速度Uin、水深H分别取为0.7m/s、20m。

    In view of the current velocity and the water depth investigated in the artificial reef area at Shengsi , the value U_ ( in ) and the depth H could be taken as 0.7 m / s and 20 m respectively .

  19. 在二维零攻角来流情况下,考虑了两种流动状况,一种是完全层流无转捩;另一种为采用Batt边界层转捩准则来确定边界层转捩点。

    There are two states to be considered here . One is the complete laminar boundary layer and the other is the boundary layer transition . The transition point is confirmed by Batt boundary layer transition criteria .

  20. 水洞实验中,来流速度为20cms、粗糙高度为0.8mm时流态随攻角的变化规律可用来解释风洞实验结果中力矩曲线的分散性。

    In this water tunnel experiments , the results obtained at 20 ? cm / s for the roughness height 0.8 ? mm can be used to explained the scatter of the pitching moment curves obtained in the wind tunnel measurements .

  21. 针对此方法,给出了一种来流和出流边界条件的提法。

    Inflow and outflow boundary conditions for the method were given t.

  22. 非均匀超声来流二维压缩面的优化设计

    Optimal design of two dimensional compression surface under non uniform supersonic flow

  23. 多柱桁架式平台在不同方向来流下绕流流场的特性研究

    Characteristic study on flow field of cell TRUSS SPAR under different currents

  24. 正弦波动来流条件下复杂结构建筑表面风压分布

    Analysis on surface wind-pressure of complex structures under sinusoidal inflow

  25. 非均匀来流对三维气固圆柱尾迹的影响

    Influence of non-uniform inflow upon the three-dimensional gas-solid cylinder wake

  26. 非定常来流对建筑周围流场影响的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the effect on the unsteady wind flow around building

  27. 给出了来流马赫数、喷流动量比、喷口布局等对增益特性的影响。

    Influences of the various factors are presented on the jet gasdynamic gains .

  28. 远场来流对过冷熔体中球状晶体生长的影响

    Effect of far field flow on the spherical crystal in the undercooled melt

  29. 超声速来流与横向喷流干扰流场冻结流数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Frozen Flow Field of Lateral Jet Interaction in Supersonic Flow

  30. 非对称来流下带斜楔的短隔离段数值研究

    Numerical investigation for the short isolator with a ramp under asymmetric incoming flow