
  1. 萨姆说:“咱们来玩假装的游戏吧。”

    ' Let 's play make-believe , ' said Sam.

  2. 咱们来玩纸牌吧。

    Let 's have a game of cards .

  3. 咱们来玩打哑谜猜字游戏吧。

    Let 's play charades .

  4. 得闲来玩。

    Drop in when you are free .

  5. 让我们来玩罚物游戏。

    Let 's play forfeits .

  6. 然而,他们在童年时期想出了有趣的游戏来玩。

    However ,   they   came   up   with interesting   games to   play in their childhood .

  7. 用户可使用移动电话的内嵌微型浏览器访问游戏的Web站点,在线或下载后离线来玩这类游戏。

    Phone users can utilize the embedded micro browser to open game sites , download or play the games online .

  8. 与此同时,艺电(ElectronicArts)等大型游戏发行商意识到,玩家日益倾向于使用这些设备来玩游戏。

    Meanwhile , major game publishers , like Electronic Arts ( ERTS ) , are realizing that gamers increasingly prefer to use those devices to play titles .

  9. 我们来玩Simon说的游戏吧。

    Let 's play Simon Says .

  10. 对于无线和iTV,玩家通过他们的电信服务公司来玩游戏。

    In the case of wireless and iTV , the players access is provided through their Telco .

  11. 欢迎来到我们特设的游戏小帐篷,这里有保龄球、跳五环、趣味DIY等多种趣味的小游戏,快带宝宝一起来玩吧!

    Welcome to our every own Games Tent ! Games include bowling , jumps-five-links and many others ! Come join us !

  12. 和你的朋友一起玩吧我会的我都不必说他们会迫不及待的来玩Jimmy和Portia的

    Play most of your friends , I will . I don 't have to , they will throw to play Jimmy and Portia .

  13. 它可以用作第二块屏幕,WiiU玩家可以在别人使用电视机时通过GamePad来玩游戏。

    The gamepad will act as a second screen for console play and will allow users to continue playing a game when the TV is occupied .

  14. 但是这款游戏机八年来一直没有更新,与此同时,人们已经习惯了用苹果(AppleInc.)的iPhone来玩大量免费或是只花费几美元的小游戏。

    But the console hasn 't had a refresh in eight years and arrives as mobile devices such as Apple Inc. 's AAPL - 0.74 % iPhone have become go-to machines for a new swath of casual games that are either free or cost a few dollars .

  15. 去玩个痛快你就是来玩的。

    Enjoy it . that 's what you 're here for .

  16. 不过让我们这次正确地来玩这个游戏。

    But let 's actually play this game properly this time .

  17. 我早就说别叫她来玩了。

    I told you not to let her join the game .

  18. 每年都有很多旅游者到苏州来玩。

    There are a lot of visitors to Suzhou every year .

  19. 请明天或后天来玩好吗?

    Would you please call round tomorrow or the day after ?

  20. 但今天你们要来玩一场赌命游戏。

    But , today , you play a game foryour lives .

  21. 很多旅游者都到北京来玩,是吗?

    Yes , more and more tourists come here for sightseeing .

  22. 你错了,我不是来玩的

    Your mistake . I 'm not here to play games .

  23. 走吧!该来玩一点魔法了。

    Let 's go . it 's time for some magic .

  24. 他们准备来玩一种古老的。

    They were about to perform a little of the old .

  25. 等我们搬进新居后,请一定来玩。

    Do come to see us when we 've settled in .

  26. 那我们就来玩一个叫《严刑拷问》的游戏

    So , let 's play one called the third degree .

  27. 首先你必须用20个物体来玩‘取物’游戏。

    You first have to play ' fetch ' with 20 objects .

  28. 想玩是吧?来玩吧!

    You wanna get nuts ? Let 's get nuts !

  29. 你告诉你母亲,几时来玩都行。

    You tell your mother it 's hers anytime she wants it .

  30. 我们来玩个游戏,你们会喜欢的。

    We 'll play a game . you 're gonna love it .