
  1. 他是那个角色的不二人选。

    He was just right for the part .

  2. 从该电影公司的男主角名单来看,罗伯特·沃克显然是出演这一角色的不二人选。

    From the studio 's roster of leading men , Robert Walker was an obvious choice to play the part .

  3. 在新罗谢尔高中(NewRochelleHighSchool)的毕业典礼上,她理所当然地成为代表所在班级致告别辞的不二人选。

    And , inevitably , she ended up valedictorian of her class at New Rochelle high school .

  4. 但是,如果从综合能力、运营经验和自愿性上来看,中国移动应该是获得TD-SCDMA牌照的不二人选。

    However , from the view of comprehensive capability , operations experience and voluntariness , China Mobile should be the definitive candidate to receive TD-SCDMA licenses .

  5. 尽管双方的合作相当成功,但哈迪德并非SOHO在北京和上海的新建筑项目的不二人选。

    Despite their partnership 's success , Hadid wasn 't a shoe-in for SOHO 's next projects in Beijing and Shanghai .

  6. 所罗门曾是渥太华电视政论节目权利与政治(PowerandPolitics)主持人,此外,他还主持CBC广播电台TheHouse节目。外界曾预期,在CBC主播曼斯布里奇(PeterMansbridge)退休时,现年47岁的所罗门将是接任CBC主播的不二人选。

    Solomon , 47 , was the Ottawa-based host of Power and Politics on television and The House on CBC radio , and had been one of the people touted to replace Peter Mansbridge on The National when the veteran newsman retires .

  7. 你绝对是这份工作的不二人选。

    You are absolutely the right person for the job .

  8. 只有这一次,这些人是解决问题的不二人选。

    For once , these are the right people .

  9. 乌麦克是接替你职位的不二人选

    You 'll say Womack is the right man to fill your shoes .

  10. 我们有托雷斯,现在杰拉德也是这个位置的不二人选。

    You have Torres , and Gerrard now is key in this position .

  11. 你是这项工作的不二人选

    You 're the best woman for the job

  12. 在我需要忠告的时刻,他们永远是我寻求协助的不二人选。

    And I need advice they 're always the ones I turn to first Growing up .

  13. 他是我倾诉的不二人选,没有人比他更了解我。

    There is nobody better to speak to , as he knows me better than anyone .

  14. 我认为你是胜任这件事的不二人选。

    I believe that you are the only one who can do that , prime minister .

  15. 不过墨菲仍然一点也不怀疑,这位63岁的老帅就是带领利物浦走向成功的不二人选。

    Nonetheless , Murphy is in no doubt the63-year-old is the right man to lead the Reds forward .

  16. 想想你最想向面试官表达的内容,以及为什么你会这份工作的不二人选。

    Think about the key things you want to communicate and why you would be ideal for the job .

  17. 多米尼克迪维内比,这位内务部长,同时也是前任外交部长,被认为是替代拉伏雷的不二人选。

    Dominique de Villepin , the interior minister and former foreign minister , is considered a front-runner to replace Mr.

  18. 史都华先生是帮助我们建立强大持久直销商队伍的不二人选。

    No one is better positioned to help us build strong and lasting relationships with our distributors than Stewart .

  19. 就目前的情况来看,他就是这个职位的不二人选。

    In the situation we 've got out there he 'll be just the right man for the job .

  20. 杰克家殷富实,一个大家族大型企业继承人的不二人选。

    Jack was born in a rich family is sure to be the only heir of one huge family corporation .

  21. 我想这样我就成了我这个特别届别的毕业生中作告别演讲的不二人选.我是失败者中最为成功的。

    I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class . I did the best of everyone who failed .

  22. 与丹尼尔合作过的人都认为他是一个天生的演员,也是扮演哈里的不二人选。

    Those who have worked with him believe he is a natural screen actor , and perfect for the role of Harry .

  23. 准备30秒的小结,表明为什么你是这份工作的不二人选,引用以往工作中的一到两个例子。

    Be ready with a 30-second summary of why you 're right for this job , using an example or two from your work history .

  24. 王秋秋在网上看到一份感兴趣的工作并应聘了该职位,本以为有过相关工作经验的自己一定是不二人选。

    After Wang saw an interesting job online , she applied , confident that she had the right experience and would be a perfect fit .

  25. 他还表示,骆家辉的祖父曾是追寻美国梦的中国移民,因此他是“继续这项合作的不二人选。”

    Obama said that as the grandson of a Chinese immigrant who went on to live the American dream , Locke is " the right person to continue this cooperation . "

  26. 但说到国王,我们希望由一个充满魅力和头脑的人来担当,斯蒂芬弗雷是两者兼备的不二人选!

    But when it comes to a King of England , we want someone with plenty of glamour but also the brains to back it up . And Stephen Fry has both !

  27. 如果你需要一个团体来捕捉这项全球顶级体育盛事的激动时刻,缪斯乐队似乎是创作非比寻常的奥运会会歌的不二人选。

    If you need a group to capture the excitement of the world 's biggest sporting event , Muse would seem to be the perfect band to pen a great Olympic anthem .

  28. 这也是你真正出彩的机会,让公司看到你才是这份工作的不二人选。

    This is your chance to really stand out , to show them that you are the best person for the job . Or better yet , the only person for the job .

  29. 《纽约宠物狗》和《好莱坞宠物狗》两家杂志的编辑希拉里·欧哈根在一份声明中说,布兰妮是2006年最差明星狗主人的不二人选。

    " Britney was the overwhelming choice " for worst celebrity dog owner for 2006 , Hilary O'Hagan , editor of The New York Dog and The Hollywood Dog magazines , said in a statement .

  30. 作为曼哈顿风险信托基金会的女掌门人,派克女士一直是饰演原著角色的不二人选。惊艳的艾米,一步步诱导着父母记录下这一场冷冽而带有神经质的梦魇。

    Ms Pike , as the insecure Manhattan trust fund princess constantly outdone by the children 's book character - Amazing Amy - she inspired her parents to write , is a frosty , neurotic nightmare .