
  1. 原来是我自己不懂我的心。

    I 'm really just not that in me !

  2. 其实你不懂我的心。

    But , I just wanna be with you .

  3. 为什麽你还是不言不语,难道你不懂我的心!

    Why don 't you still , you don 't understand my heart !

  4. 年内发生一些好事还是不错,尽管那样还是不能微笑,在工作上还是有很多人不懂我的心,你愿意成为我的知己吗?

    In year , occur some good deeds or is good , though can not so smile still , on work or having many persons , do not understand my heart , is it intimate that you is willing to become I 's ?