
  • 网络Has skills of his own
  1. 我得警告你Max可不是省油的灯哦我那个那个什么不要让他们来我家捣乱啊

    Drop them off ! I gotta warn you , Max is a bit of a handful.Yeah don 't drop them off ... They 're not gonna mess up my house .

  2. 让他知道我们不是省油的灯

    I let him know we 're not messing around .

  3. 别对我说三道四的,你也不是省油的灯。

    Don 't get all judgmental with me . you 're no slouch yourself .

  4. 那女人真不是省油的灯。

    That woman is a nut job .

  5. 但酷爱叮人的达[林]氏按蚊可不是省油的灯,它们个个都携带疟疾病毒,而且先前的研究表明它们在人类活动强干扰地区(林木砍伐严重地区)更加肆虐。

    But the human-loving species Anopheles darlingi does , and previous studies have shown that it thrives in disturbed areas .

  6. 例:三个儿子没有什么出息,两个女儿也不是省油的灯。

    Ex. : None of the three sons show any good prospect , and neither of the two daughters are fair ladies .

  7. 战斗机圈子里的人通常都不是一些省油的灯。

    The fighter community in general is a tough audience .