
  1. 举例:杰克说上帝不存在的时候你可别信,因为他甚至没有工作。

    You can 't believe Jack when he says there isn 't any God because he doesn 't even have a job .

  2. 在这个最终一切都以股票价值和底限为衡量标准的世界里,其他的方式是不可能存在的。你属于哪一种?

    It couldn 't be otherwise in a world where the ultimate measurement is the stock price and the bottom line .

  3. 当你想表达的单词在另外一种语言里不存在的时候,你要想办法来调整接近原来单词的意思。

    When there are no words in another language for what you want to say , you make adjustments and try to approximate .

  4. 如果你不存在体重的麻烦,你得感谢的可不止于你的食谱和体育锻炼。

    If you don 't have a weight problem , you have more than your diet or your gym thank .

  5. 当你认为人生不存在奇迹的时候,你会得到力量去做任何你想要做的事情,而且你会超越极限。

    When nothing is a miracle , you gain the power of doing anything you want and you have no limits .

  6. 如果是这种情况,可能不存在完美的决定,你应该挑选最可容忍的决定。

    In that case a perfect decision is probably out of the question , and instead you should aim for the most tolerable .

  7. 如果你还这样做,你就是在让一些已经不存在的东西来瓜分你的生活&就好像放任自己的幸福被黑洞吞噬。

    If you do , you 're still giving a portion of your life to something that no longer exists – it 's like letting your happiness slip into a black hole .

  8. 如果你还这样做,你就是在让一些已经不存在的东西来瓜分你的生活——就好像放任自己的幸福被黑洞吞噬。

    If you do , you 're still giving a portion of your life to something that no longer exists - it 's like letting your happiness slip into a black hole .

  9. 学生:对我来说,如果你说一个东西是信仰,或对或错,对我来说一个信仰是,你不能证明存在或者不存在的东西,所以你相信。

    Student : For me personally if you say something is a belief is either true or false , for me a belief if something you can 't prove or disprove you just believe it .

  10. 虽然你可能会填一个非常高级的工作职称,但只要雇主给你的前任雇主打个电话,询问到一个根本不存在的职称时,你毫无疑问会被看做一个说谎者。

    While your work might imply a more robust job title , if a prospective employer calls your previous employer to ask about a position that doesn 't exist , you 'll just seem like a liar .