
  1. 音乐和舞蹈一直持续到凌晨两点。

    There was music and dancing till two in the morning .

  2. 我们曾在凌晨两点步行穿过伦敦。

    We once walked across London at two in the morning

  3. 有一段时间我凌晨两点才干完活儿。

    There have been days when I have finished work at 2pm .

  4. 我凌晨两点结束广播时脖子与肩膀绷得紧紧的。

    When I get off air around 2am my neck and shoulders are locked with tension

  5. 我睡着了,凌晨两点的时候醒了过来。

    I went to sleep , and at two o'clock in the morning I woke up .

  6. 凌晨两点左右,我们听到一阵哭声,紧接着是开枪的声音。

    About 2:00am we heard crying , shortly followed by a gunshot .

  7. 这项研究对21名经常在凌晨两点以后睡觉的人进行了跟踪调查。

    The study looked at 21 people who were regularly going to bed after 2am .

  8. 接着他告诉我,大约在凌晨两点左右,他突然惊醒,发现房间里烟雾弥漫,觉得很奇怪,然后他接着讲,在床尾处他竟发现有一个女人头飘在烟雾中盘旋。

    He went on to tell me that around two in the morning he had suddenly woke up and found the room filled with mist or smoke . He thought this was strange and then he said he could make out the head of a woman at the foot of the bed , hovering9 in all this mist .

  9. 当我想这可能很好,因为,如果我试图给BT在凌晨两点打电话,是的,这可能会花几个小时。

    When I think would be perfectly good because If I have been trying to ring BT at two o'clock in the morning , yes it may have taken hours .

  10. 还有一个用户惊讶于这个设备细节处理能力,一个名叫TRAVisty_James的用户,和朋友开玩笑还告诉Alexa在凌晨两点用恐怖音乐把朋友叫醒。

    Other users were also surprised at the amount of detail the assistant can take in , one user with @ TRAVisty_James said he had been teasing his friend and had told its Alexa to wake him up at 2am with creepy music .

  11. 我凌晨两点才到家。

    I didn 't get home until two in the morning !

  12. 在凌晨两点钟,婴儿还在大声哭。

    The baby was still screaming at two in the morning .

  13. 下一班火车会在凌晨两点十五分离开。

    The next train leaves at two fifteen in the morning .

  14. 我们凌晨两点收到你的电邮

    We get e-mails from you at your office at 2:00 a.m.

  15. 收到你凌晨两点从办公室发的邮件。

    We get e-mails from you at your office at2:00a . m.

  16. 结果我凌晨两点半才到家,父亲一直没睡,在等着我。

    Arriving home at 2:30 a.m. , Dad was up waiting .

  17. 一个在树上晃来晃去的家伙凌晨两点在我的大厅里。

    A tree-swinger in the lobby at two o'clock in the morning .

  18. 她凌晨两点半在运动什么?

    What 's she doing exercising at2:30 in the morning ?

  19. 那么,赏金猎手凌晨两点的时候在这。

    So , the bounty hunter is here at2:00a . m.

  20. 今天凌晨两点开始进入夏令时。

    Daylight saving time started today at 2 am , your time .

  21. 现在已经是凌晨两点了我们不得不报警

    It is two in the morning . We sent the police .

  22. 他直到凌晨两点才会上床睡觉。

    He doesn 't go to bed until two in the morning .

  23. 他从下午六点一直学到凌晨两点。

    He studied from six in the evening until two in the morning .

  24. 周日凌晨两点开始,进入正常标准时间。

    Standard time returns at 2 a.m. Sunday morning .

  25. 他凌晨两点离开家时的情形被拍了下来。

    He was filmed leaving his house at2a . m.

  26. 她生于一九八零年九月八日凌晨两点钟。

    She was born at two o'clock in the morning September eighth 1980 .

  27. 人工喂养:让爸爸凌晨两点起床的好机会。

    Bottle feeding : An opportunity for Daddy to get up at2 am .

  28. 凌晨两点钟了她还和那个男孩在外面瞎转�

    She is out fooling around with that boy till 2:00 in the morning

  29. 我们预定凌晨两点到达伦敦。

    We were due in London at2a . m.

  30. 好了,凌晨两点四十五分我们在此集合。

    All right , 2:45a . m. , we hook up right back here .