
  1. 1927年凌叔华开始了儿童题材创作。

    In 1927 , Ling started to write childish subject .

  2. 凌叔华的探索为女性问题研究提供了有益的启示。

    What LING Shu-hua explored provides beneficial inspiration for further research in female problems .

  3. 从凌叔华这些描写女性的作品中,可以看出其中鲜明的女性主义立场。

    Through these products which portray female , the feministic stand is obviously seeable .

  4. 谈凌叔华的小说创作

    On LIN Shu-hua 's Novel Creation

  5. 首先,凌叔华在小说创作中借鉴了中国传统绘画的诸多因素。

    Firstly , there are so many elements of traditional Chinese painting in Ling Shuhua 's novels .

  6. 在古典美的氛围中,表现当代问题,是凌叔华的独特之处。

    LIN 's peculiar point in writing is reflecting the contemporary affairs in the atmosphere of classic beauty .

  7. 高门巨族中说话的女人们&凌叔华与曼斯菲尔德小说的比较研究

    Speaking Women from Noble and Wealthy Families & A Comparative Study of the Novels by Ling Shu-hua and Mansfield

  8. 论文从叙事学的角度探讨了凌叔华小说的叙事风格。

    This paper is an attempt to analyze the narrative style of Ling Shu-hua 's fiction from the perspective of narratology .

  9. 从创作的动因上看,凌叔华以画笔融入小说的抒情姿态源于她对现实和对主流文学的双重批判。

    The author 's attempt of putting painting skill into novels shows a dual criticism both on the reality and the mainstream literature .

  10. 在新时期,凌叔华研究进入了新的阶段,在人物形象和艺术风格研究等方面取得了突出成就。

    In the new period , research on Ling Shuhua has got into position , and made great achievement in figural image and artistic style .

  11. 这些男性形象更多的体现了凌叔华作为一名女性作家对男性的生命设想、价值判断和对男性的现实期待,这些男性形象的塑造,体现了作为女性的凌叔华对男性的性别价值的确认。

    As a female writer , the male images created by Ling manifested her tentative plan , the value judgment and reality anticipation of masculine .

  12. 本文从三个方面探讨了凌叔华小说创作的思想意蕴:一,几组女性形象及其意蕴;

    This paper makes an exploration in theme connotation of Ling Shuhua 's novel writing from three aspects : First of all , several groups of women images ;

  13. 通过这一谱系,一向被禁闭的女人发出了声音,这其实是曼斯菲尔德给凌叔华最大的影响,而不同社会文化语境,又使得各自的人物谱系有着鲜明的时代特征和艺术个性。

    This thesis reveals that Mansfield has exerted great influence on Ling Shu-hua and that the protagonists from their writings assume different characteristics due to the different cultural contexts .

  14. 通过凌叔华对新旧女性的全面观察与评价可以发现,她的女性观具有海德格尔式的诗性存在色彩。

    From her complete observation and evaluation to the women both in morden times and early ages , we can find that she is influenced by the type of Heidegger 's existentialism of poetic quality .