
  • 网络volley
  1. 在国内比赛中,也不乏这名威尔士人的神奇时刻,最典型的是在8月他对斯托克的凌空抽射。

    Domestically , too , there have been moments of wonder from the Welshman , most prominently his sky-slashing volley at Stoke in August .

  2. 弗兰在本届世界杯共奉献五粒进球,其中四粒都是世界波,包括在与德国争夺第三名的比赛中的一脚凌空抽射。

    Left South Africa with five goals , four of which were superb strikes from distance , including a cracking volley in the third-place play-off against Germany .

  3. 他一脚漂亮的凌空抽射,把球踢进了球门的远角。

    He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net

  4. 中场队员在距球门30米处凌空抽射。

    The midfielder volleyed the ball 30 meters away from the goal .

  5. 他以胸部控住许尔勒的传球,然后令人赞叹地凌空抽射破门——甚至无需瞥一眼去判断守门员的位置——这无疑是非凡的技艺。

    G ö tze 's control of Sch ü rrle 's pass with his chest and then his sublime volley - without even a glance to determine the goalkeeper 's position - were certainly superior techniques .

  6. 星期三晚上的进球立刻让人们把它和德罗巴一个月之前对阵利物浦时的胸部停球凌空抽射相比较,但是对于德罗巴自己,对巴萨的进球更为特别。

    Wednesday night 's goal immediately drew comparisons with drogba 's chest control and volley past Liverpool a month earlier , but for the player himself , the bar ? A goal was even more special .

  7. 具有讽刺意味的是这球和另一个球如出一辙&对阵拜仁中凌空反弹抽射!

    What was ironic was that it mirrored another one , the fantastic half-volley on the turn against Bayern Munich .