
  1. 移动adhoc网络安全分簇综述

    Survey of Secure Clustering in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

  2. 移动自组网中一种基于信誉的安全分簇算法

    Security Clustering Algorithm Based on Reputation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  3. 自组织安全分簇问题研究。

    Research on secure clustering for MANET .

  4. 从地域上看,资源安全分为陆地资源安全与海洋资源安全。

    Geographically speaking , natural resources security is divided into land resources security and marine resources security .

  5. 计算机中数据的安全分为数据物理安全和数据内容安全两部分,数据物理安全指不能因存放数据的物理介质被损坏,而导致数据丢失;

    The safety of the data inside computer is divided into the data physical safety and the data contents safety .

  6. 可以让用户以最小的安全分险和管理代价来管理网络,维护网络安全。

    It can let user divide with minimum security dangerous managing cost manage the network , safeguard the online security .

  7. 本文把电子商务的安全分为法制安全、信息技术安全和企业内部管理安全,并分析了电子商务安全的现状,最后给出了通过加强法制建设实现法制管理;

    This article divides electronic commercial security into juridical security , info-technological security and inner enterprise security , and analyzes actualities of the e-commercial safe management .

  8. 为达成可信的分簇结构,结合军队建制的特点,将基于信任云的信任评估模型运用到分簇算法中,提出了一种适用于战术互联网环境的安全分簇算法。

    Aiming at the characteristics of military organizational system and the shortages of existing clustering algorithms in lack of security , a secure clustering algorithm applying in Tactical Internet is presented , into which the trust cloud based trust evaluation model is introduced .

  9. VoIP安全可以分为业务的正常提供、业务内容的保密、呼叫者身份确认和系统安全等。

    The security of VoIP involves normal offering of services , service confidentiality , authentication of the caller and system security , etc.

  10. 安全策略分为三类:内置、自定义和高级策略。

    Security policies fall into three types : built-in , customized and high-level .

  11. 资金安全可以分为存量安全、流量安全和增量安全。

    Fund safety can be further divided into that of stock , fluidity and increment .

  12. 汽车被动安全性分为对车内乘员的保护和对车外行人的保护两个方面。

    Vehicle passive safety can be divided into two parts , occupant safety and pedestrian safety .

  13. 移动代理的安全问题分主机安全与代理安全两类,综述了后一种安全问题。

    The security of mobile agent can be classified into two catalogs : host security and agent security .

  14. 分布式计算系统安全问题分为两大类:分布式计算的安全和主机的安全。

    There are two classes of security problems in distributed computing system , security of hosts and security of distributed applications .

  15. 安全控制分为页面、功能、数据行和数据列4个层次,使用角色来划分权限。

    Access control includes four levels such as page , function , row and column , using role to grant permission .

  16. 但是,出于针刺安全和分层次刺法的要求,腧穴的定位描述中解剖一项依然保存了下来。

    However , the anatomical representation of acupoints was preserved because of the requirement for safety and the layered needling method .

  17. IC卡的安全研究分为IC卡的物理安全、系统安全和应用安全。

    LC card ' security is divided into three parts : IC card physical security 、 system security and application security .

  18. 论文把安全效益分为安全的经济效益与非经济效益,经济效益又可细分为减损收益和增值收益。

    Safety benefit was divided into economy benefit and non-economy benefit , and economy benefit was divided into derogation benefit and increment benefit .

  19. 笔者认为,产业安全应当分为宏观、中观、微观三个层次,且是一个系统过程。

    This paper considers that industry safety is a systematic process , it should be classified into three levels , namely macro-level , meso-level and micro-level .

  20. 本研究将安全教育分为,教育内容、教育时间、教育方式、教育评价、教育者五个维度进行调查。

    This research set safety education into five dimensions of educational content , educational time , educational methods , educational assessment , and educators for investigation .

  21. 根据我国不同时期的社会经济发展水平和政治进程状况,把我国安全生产分为五个阶段进行分析。

    The development of national safe-production is divided into five phases according to the level of social economic development and political status . Firstly , 1953-1960 is the elementary stage .

  22. 主要是:遥控设备的三化、研制遥控专用集成电路、遥控数据安全和分包遥控等。

    They are as follow : Generalization , Serieslization and Combination of TC devices on board ; development and manufacture of ASIC for space TC ; Security of TC data and Packet TC etc.

  23. 该模型把安全管理分为两层:第一层为全局安全管理层,它负责协调控制政务网所有控制对象的安全管理;

    This model divides the security management into two levels : First is global security management level which is responsible for harmonizing and controlling the security management of all the control objects of the e-government network ;

  24. 存储安全又分为两个方面来考虑:通过数据库系统对库文件中的记录读写的安全性和其它程序通过由操作系统来访问数据库相关文件;

    In detail , the storage security is split into two aspects : the visit to the data files from the DBMS and the visit to the data files from the operating system caused by other programs ;

  25. 该部分内容按照大型节事危机事件处置及安保工作四项原则的要求,将大型节事安全保障分为三个阶段,即:前置控制阶段、现场处置阶段和善后处理阶段。

    This part of the content according to big festival crisis disposal and security work four principles of requirements , the large festival security divided into three stages , namely : lead control stage , field disposal stage kind post-processing phase .

  26. 该方法将协议的安全性分为完全性和正确性,通过分析这两种性质,不仅能考察协议在逻辑上能否达到预期目标,而且能考察敌手在计算上的攻击能力。

    The new approach defines the security as the completeness and the correctness , through analyzing them . It not only can examine whether protocols could reach the expectant goals , but also can compute adversary 's aggressive ability to protocols .

  27. 将约束安全层分为完整性约束、分级和推理约束、访问约束和应用语义约束四个子层,将适应性检测层分为数据库活动级、关系模式级、事务级和应用语义级四个子层。

    The constraints security layer consists of integrity constraints , classification and inference constraints , access constraints , and application semantics constraints . The adaptive detection layer consists of active database lev - el , relation schema level , transaction level and application semantics level .

  28. 四:基于Intranet平台信息系统的安全性可分为网络安全和信息安全两大部分。

    Fourthly , the security of information system based on Intranet flat roof includes network security and information security .

  29. 目前RFID安全机制主要分为两类:一类是物理安全机制,另一类是设计安全认证协议。

    Now RFID security mechanisms include two categories : one is the physical security mechanisms ; the other is security protocol .

  30. RFID系统的安全机制主要分为物理安全机制和认证安全机制两大类。

    The security mechanism of the current RFID system mainly includes physical security mechanisms and authentication security mechanisms in two categories .