
  1. 这航空公司为乘客提供安全的飞行旅程。

    The airline did provide a safe flight for its passengers .

  2. 不过,想要造出实用又安全的飞行汽车一直是个严峻的挑战。

    But getting a practical , reliable flying car off the ground has been a serious challenge .

  3. 在大多数从安全的飞行在短的成熟之后,做在较长期财宝的价格泡影可能迅速地放气。

    The price bubble in longer-term Treasuries could deflate rapidly after most of the flight from safety is done on the short maturities .

  4. 色觉异常者在社会上许多职业、工种的选择上受到一定限制,尤其是在关系到人们生命安全的飞行领域。

    Patients with color perception deficiency meet many restrictions in the choice of different occupations or careers , especially in the field of flying concerning life security .

  5. 民航运输企业为顾客提供的首要产品是安全的飞行,安全是民航企业的生命线。

    As we all know , the most important product that civil aviation transport companies provide is safe flight , and then aviation safety is the lifeline for those companies .

  6. 它们飞经的空域被空中交通管制员认定是安全的,飞行的航线也经过了由联合国(UN)旗下全球航空组织任命的欧洲监管员的批准。

    They flew in airspace declared safe by air traffic controllers , and on flight paths approved by European regulators appointed by the UN 's global aviation body .

  7. 让我们分享彼此的文化,享受每一次安全舒适的飞行。

    Family name-burns let 's have safe and enjoyable flights while we share each other 's culture .

  8. 以下为我们的组织结构和工作活动,主要目的是为乘客提供安全舒适的飞行。

    Please find below our organization scheme and office activities aimed at offering our passengers a safe and a pleasant flight .

  9. 大多数人会认为在战时加油机只会在安全的空域飞行,绝不会靠近危险地带。

    Most people may think that tankers just fly around in safe areas during wartime , never getting too close to danger .

  10. 其他航空公司继续在被当地政府和空管机构认定为安全的区域飞行。

    Other carriers continued to fly routes over the territory that had been deemed safe by local governments and air-traffic control agencies .

  11. 他们使用特殊的设施和决策支持设备(电脑系统)来保障安全和高效的飞行。

    They monitor the flights using special equipment and decision support tools ( computers ) that ensure a safe and efficient flight .

  12. 是的,但是我要告诉你,如果你说的是准确的话,我们只要1美元就可以安全的实现越洋飞行了。

    Yeah , but I 'll tell you , if you are accurate , we just have a dollar of plane flight round trip , I mean , you know , coast to coast .

  13. 航空安全研究显示所有的飞行事故中大约有90%都发生在开始两分钟或者最后四分钟的时候。

    Aviation safety studies have shown that approximately 90 % of all aviation accidents occur during the first two minutes or the last four minutes of flight .