
  1. 子战术无人机(UAV)系统呈现的能力提供一种新的规格去多任务飞行。

    The emerging capabilities of Sub-Tac UAV system solution provide a new dimension to airborne multi-mission .

  2. 最后列出此软件系统在Y7-100全任务飞行模拟器上的应用结果。

    Some of its application results in Y7-100 Flight Simulatorare shown in the ending section of the paper .

  3. 航天任务飞行控制分析系统的设计和应用

    Design and Application of Aerospace Flight Mission Control Analysis System

  4. 无人机任务飞行的三维可视化

    Flight Mission 3D Visualization of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  5. 仿真结果表明:Dynapath算法生成的最优参考航路基本上满足无人机任务飞行的要求,获得了良好的飞行品质。

    Simulation shows that the optimized reference trajectory generated by dynamic path can obtain the best flying quality .

  6. 但是,在开发大型、复杂、模型逼真度高的仿真系统时,如全任务飞行模拟器、轮机仿真模拟器等,系统的软件开发和集成的工作量是十分庞大的。

    It is a large amount of work to develop a large , complex high-fidelity simulation system , for example the full-tasking Flight Simulator , the Marine Engine Simulator .

  7. 结合航空仿真技术发展和全任务飞行模拟器样机的任务需求,在MATLAB/SIMULINK平台上构建了捷联惯导及基于区域导航法的无线电导航仿真模型。

    Considering current development of aviation simulation technology and practical request of the prototyping of full flight simulator , strap-down inertial navigation model and radio navigation models with the method of region navigation were made on MATLAB / SIMULINK platform .

  8. 飞机在任务飞行初期遭遇的将是雷达探测系统,探测系统对飞机的探测概率以及达到给定发现概率所需的发现时间和发现距离等参数是对抗双方共同关心的问题。

    The first threat aircraft encountered during the mission flight is hostile detection system . The time and range of detection system required to identify the target for a given probability of detection are two important parameters for both sides .

  9. 我们了解在按任务要求飞行和组成陛溆飞行时都要注意些什么。

    We know what to look for when flying tracking tasks and when flying in formation .

  10. 描述美国重返月球任务的飞行路线图,并对该计划的进度进行了介绍。

    At the same time , the lunar flight plan is illustrated in detail and the plan ′ s schedule is described .

  11. 第2章介绍了无人直升机飞行控制特点、任务以及飞行控制系统方案。

    In Chapter 2 , the scheme of the mini unmanned helicopter 's flight control system is presented based on understanding its characteristic and mission .

  12. 针对几种典型的动作,利用质点模型进行了验证,计算其飞行轨迹和控制指令。(2)对常规机动任务的飞行品质评估方法进行了研究。

    The flight track and the control instructions are calculated based on the particle dynamic model . Secondly , the method with flying qualities based on conventional mission is studied .

  13. 研究了空基投放型空天飞行器的规避飞行轨迹优化问题,根据任务把飞行过程分为上升段和巡航段,提出了分段建模,分段优化的思想。

    According to mission requirements , the whole flight is divided into two segments : ascent phase and cruise phase , and the ideas of modeling and optimization by step are proposed .

  14. 为了实现无人机的自主飞行并执行相关任务,飞行控制系统需具有准确获取各种飞行状态信息的能力,从而保证无人机的飞行性能。

    For the purpose of autonomous flight and executing related tasks for unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ), all states must be accurately acquired by the flight control system . Thus , the performance of UAV can be ensured .

  15. 低空突防任务下综合飞行/推进系统的建模与仿真

    Modeling and simulation of flight / propulsion system for low altitude penetration

  16. 高空长航时无人机任务设备/飞行综合控制技术

    Investigation of High Altitude Long Endurance UAV 's Payload / Flight Integrated Control Techniques

  17. 最后,以深度撞击任务的实际飞行数据对本文提出的两种自主导航方法进行仿真验证。

    Finally , the autonomous navigation methods presented are verified by the practical data of deep impact mission .

  18. 在飞行过程中,及时了解飞机的油量,对于完成飞行任务和保障飞行安全,有着重要意义。

    During aviation , it is very important for flight assignment and security that the pilot find out oil capacity .

  19. 该项目的主要任务是对飞行中物体的性能参数进行测试,对被测产品的各种被测信号进行采集和处理。

    The main task of this project is to test the parameter of an object in free flight by collecting and dealing the signals of the product .

  20. 加强航空体育的教学与训练,提高飞行人员体能,对完成飞行任务,延长飞行年限,保证飞行安全,提高部队战斗力具有重要的意义。

    Strengthens the aviation sports the teaching and the training , enhances the flight crew physical ability , to completes the aerial mission , the extension flight age limit , assures the flight safety , increases the army battle efficiency to have the vital significance .

  21. 分析Sternberg双重任务作业成绩、飞行基本能力、情绪稳定性以及HRV的关系。

    The relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , flying ability , emotional stability and heart rate variability was studied .

  22. 环月球巡逻者(LRO)的任务是围绕月球飞行,绘制更好的月球地图,搜寻掩埋于地下或隐藏在暗处的冰,并发回诸多高分辨率图像。

    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter ( LRO ) is scheduled to orbit and better map the Moon , search for buried and hidden ice , and return many high resolution images .

  23. 或者由操作员指定攻击目标后,任务系统自动规划飞行轨迹和飞行操作指令,由飞控系统控制UCAV自主飞行到最佳攻击区域完成对目标的攻击。

    Another operation mode in this level is : the operator designates the target to be attacked , and the mission system will plan the flight route and flight operation instruction automatically , control the UCAV autonomously by the flight control system for flying to the optimum area for attacking .

  24. 去完成任务,你是飞行队长。

    Flying the mission . you 're my flight leader .

  25. 小卫星的任务规划是为确定飞行任务目标并根据飞行任务目标制定控制小卫星运行的指令序列。

    Scheduling small satellite 's mission is to determinate its mission objectives and make decision to control its operation according to the mission objectives .

  26. 自主式微直升机为了获得完成任务的行为,可以通过在任务环境中飞行来学习控制规则。

    The autonomous micro helicopter should fly in the environment to study the behaviors accomplishing the given task .

  27. 变形翼飞行器作为一种新型飞行器,能够根据飞行环境和任务的变化而自适应地改变外形,从而始终保持最优飞行状态,以满足大范围多任务飞行的要求。

    As a new aircraft , morphing wing aircrafts can change its shape according to the change of fight environment and missions , in order to meet the requirement of keeping optimal flight status and performing multi-missions .

  28. 变体飞行器能够根据飞行环境和任务的变化而连续、光滑与可控地调整外形,以始终保持最优飞行状态,满足大范围多任务飞行的要求。

    In response to the change of fight environment and missions , a morphing aircraft can change its shape in a continuous , smooth and controlled way , in order to always keep optimal flight status and meet the requirement of enlarging flight envelope and carrying out multi-missions .