
  1. 她任当地一家报纸的通讯记者。

    She worked as correspondent for a local newspaper .

  2. 我们家新近增添了几只宠物——三只白鸡和一只白兔。兔子是胡沙尔的朋友送他的,我们任它在家里随处活动。

    We had recently got some pets - three white chickens and a white rabbit that one of Khushal 's friends had given him and which we let wander around the house .

  3. 在其曾祖父曹玺一代开始,派往江南任织造,家中深得满族皇帝赏识,所以赐了旗籍。

    In his paternal great-grandfather Cao Xi a generation of start , dispatches the south of Yangzi River to be appointed weaves , in the family is deep Manchu nationality emperor to recognize , therefore has bestowed " the banner men census or resident register " .

  4. 瑞金矿业(RealGoldMining)的德勤审计师也辞任,称这家中国矿产公司未能披露涉及关联方的重要信息。

    It also resigned as auditor of Real Gold Mining , saying that the Chinese miner had failed to disclose material information involving related parties .