
shānɡ pǐn ɡuò shènɡ
  • glut of goods
  1. 面对商品过剩、推广过度的市场态势,消费者视听混乱、无所适从。

    The consumers have no idea of doing anything in facing a glut of goods and excessive market situation .

  2. 因而产品滞销导致的商品过剩现象也不断地发生着。

    Thus the unmarketable products cause surplus phenomenon also happen all the time .

  3. 产品滞销商品过剩意味什么?

    The unmarketable products surplus mean ?

  4. 信用成为商品过剩时期最稀缺的资源,在我国表现得尤为强烈。

    Credit becomes the scarcest resource in the excess merchandise period , which is more severe in China .

  5. 聪明的消费者在商品过剩时购买,以便用同样的钱购买更多的商品。

    Smart consumers try to purchase items that are in surplus in order to get more for the same money .

  6. 因为,空前的精确的计划性生产,那种产品生产多了造成商品过剩的事件永远不复存在了。

    Because , unprecedented precise planning production , the product production , the causes of surplus events never ceased to exist .

  7. 随着商品过剩及零售业的飞速发展,零售商的买方势力出现并不断增强,同时处于行业龙头地位的供应商具有一定的市场势力,他们与大型零售商进行谈判博弈,其福利效果如何在理论界尚无定论。

    With surplus goods and rapid development in retailing , buyer power of retailers appears and grows gradually . While some suppliers still in leading position in their industry have some market power , they bargain with large retailers .

  8. 我国经济增长一直居于高位,但已有几种伴生现象,主要是商品过剩、资金过剩和失业率上升,正蕴育着一些风险或危机。

    In recent years , the economic growth of our country is still being fast , but there exist some kinds of phenomenon , mainly , merchandise excesses , capital excesses and the rising of unemployment rate , which maybe cause some risk or crisis .

  9. 目前,我国经济运行继续呈现增长过剩的态势。一方面经济增长率居于高位,且有进一步上升的可能;另一方面商品过剩日益严重。

    Currently , our economy keeps on the trend of surplus growth , on one side , the economic growth rate stays at a high level with possibility of further rise ; on the other side , the surplus of products become more and more serious .

  10. 我国商品供给过剩原因及对策分析

    The Analysis of China 's Commodity Supply Surplus

  11. 这就使得信用成为中国商品相对过剩经济时期最稀缺的资源。

    Then credit becomes the scarcest resource during the China commodities comparatively overmuch economy period .

  12. 类似的,如果投机者预见到某商品将过剩,他们就会卖出期货,这样做有助于在过剩真正发生之前在一定程度上降低价格。

    Similarly , if speculators foresee a surplus in some commodity , their selling of futures will help drive the price down to some extent before the surplus actually occurs .

  13. 结果表明高档商品住宅供给过剩,而经济适用住宅供给不足。

    The outcome of the research indicates that the supply of luxury housing is overmuch , but the supply of economical housing is deficient .

  14. 目前,中国部分城市高档商品住宅供给过剩、经济适用住宅以及中低档商品住宅供给不足的矛盾日益突出。

    Currently , the contradiction of over-supply of luxury housing , inefficient supply of economy housing and middle and low commodity housing in some cities of China is serious .

  15. 英美资源此举凸显了采矿业面临的挑战。目前该行业正艰难应对中国经济增长放缓,以及从铜、铂到煤炭、钻石等各种大宗商品全球供应过剩的局面。

    The moves by Anglo underscore the challenges facing the mining sector as it scrambles to deal with a slowdown in China and a glut in global supplies of everything from copper and platinum to coal and diamonds .

  16. 这时,因为地球人类社会已经没有货币也就没有商品可言和商品过剩一说了。

    At this moment , because the earth human society has no money is no merchandise whatsoever and surplus said .

  17. 除了铁路建设以外,中国还与泰国达成了一项政府间采购协议,购入泰国的大米和橡胶。去年,这两种大宗商品遭遇了供应过剩和价格疲软。

    In addition to the railway development , China has agreed to government-to-government ( G2G ) purchases of rice and rubber , both commodities that have suffered oversupply and weak prices in the last year .