
  • 网络business structure;Business Architecture
  1. 拉塞尔发现,由于自身的财富和高度多元化的本地商业结构(既有跨国企业,也有本土产业),慕尼黑抵抗本轮经济危机的能力应会好于其他所有欧洲城市。

    LaSalle found that Munich should withstand the current economic turmoil better than any other European location , owing to its wealth and a highly diversified local business structure , consisting of global players and domestic industries .

  2. 同时在理论基础上,结合国内外众多B2B交易场的实例,着重分析了B2B交易场的商业结构和发展趋势;

    Based on the theories , and with combination of many examples of B2B exchanges , the thesis then mainly explains the future of development of B2B exchanges .

  3. 合理调整商业结构,切合市场实际需要。

    Adjust the commercial structure reasonaBly to meet the practical requirements of the market .

  4. 民国吴江县市镇的工商业结构&兼论专业市镇与非专业市镇的差别

    The Structure of the Industry and Commerce of Towns in Wujiang during the Republican Period

  5. 市场经济要求我们合理调整商业结构,使之切合市场实际需要。

    Market economy demands a reasonaBle adjustment of the commercial structure to the requirements of the market .

  6. 商业结构可以分为行业结构、地区结构、职能结构和业态结构。

    Commercial structure can be divided into trade structure , area structure , function structure and form structure .

  7. 本文认为,商业结构的合理与否,直接影响着整个国民经济的运行和发展。

    This article maintains that the rationality of commercial structure directly affects the operation and development of national economy .

  8. 由于影响参数多,应用商业结构分析软件自动实现其动态优化十分困难。

    Being influenced and controlled by lots of parameters , it is difficult to achieve the dynamic optimization automatically by commercial structural analysis software .

  9. 本文以连锁董事网的形成机制为例,考察了国家是如何通过操纵产权活动而塑造商业结构的。

    Taking the formation mechanism of interlocking directorates networks as an example , this dissertation investigates how the state constructs market structure by manipulating the property activity .

  10. 苏州城区由于城市主导产业的衰落、工商业结构的失衡、城市经济功能的弱化也出现了衰落的景象。

    Cities in Wu County also have experienced decline due to the fading of the leading industries , the imbalance of commercial and industrial structure and the attenuation of cities ' economic functions .

  11. 我热忱地希望任何对中文角有兴趣的人可以告诉我们对这个组织未来的一些想法、运作模式或者商业结构。

    I warmly welcome any of you interested to speak with me about the future of this organization and any ideas you have about how we can structure a functioning business model for CC .

  12. 城市商业空间结构研究评述

    Review and Prospects for Study on Spatial Structure of Urban Commerce

  13. 北京饭店二期改扩建工程商业部分结构设计

    Structure Design on the Commercial Part of Beijing Hotel Project Phase ⅱ

  14. 试论我国商业业态结构调整

    Comments on the Adjustment of the Commercial Form Structure of Our Country

  15. 城市商业空间结构问题与优化探讨

    The problem and mehtod on Optimization of urban commerce spatial

  16. 佛山国际商业中心结构施工技术

    Construction technology of the Foshan International Trade Centre structure project

  17. 我国商业规模结构分析

    An Analysis on Scale Structure of China 's Distribution Industry

  18. 已建地下商业街结构与下部地铁隧道施工相互影响分析

    Interaction Analysis between Existing Underground Bussiness Street Structure and Constructing Subway Tunnel

  19. 西安市大型零售商业空间结构与市场格局研究

    Spatial structure and marketing pat-tern of large retail business in xi ' an

  20. 城市商业空间结构研究是商业地理学的核心。

    Studies on urban commercial spatial structure have been paramount in business geography .

  21. 长沙市居住空间对商业空间结构的影响研究

    Study on the Influence between Urban Residential Space and Commercial Space in Changsha

  22. 上海市消费者出行特征与商业空间结构分析

    The analysis of consumer trip characteristics and spatial structure of commercial facilities in Shanghai

  23. 从层次结构方面看,地铁站分别处于商业等级结构的3个层次。

    The hierarchical structure of retail business around , the station has three levels .

  24. 论商业银行结构调整

    On Structure Consolidation of State-owned Commercial Banks

  25. 未来商业空间结构探讨

    Approaching Constitution of Commercial Space in Future

  26. 提出了调整新余市商业布局结构的若干思路和具体策略。

    This paper puts forward some countermeasures for adjusting the layout structure of commerce in Xinyu .

  27. 某商业建筑结构的改造设计

    Reinforcing design of a business building

  28. 中国商业业态结构与酒类经营

    China commercial structure and liquor business

  29. 商业信托结构很适合现金流稳定且充裕的资产,比方说港口。

    The trust structure is suited to stable and highly cash generative assets such as ports .

  30. 我国新兴业态不断出现的同时,商业业态结构不合理的状况也日渐明显,因而商业业态结构的调整势在必行。

    While new forms appear constantly , the fallacious structure of the commercial form is gradually obvious .