
  • 网络nations
  1. 拉多国家民族舞蹈团成立于1949年,用五彩缤纷的服饰展示了原汁原味的克罗地亚音乐以及舞蹈。

    Lado National Folk Dance Ensemble , established in1949 , presented authentic Croatian music and dance in colorful costumes .

  2. 《东方霓裳》是锦绣中华民族艺术团推出的集民族服饰、舞蹈、音乐和舞美于一体的大型民族服饰舞蹈诗。

    Oriental Nerissa is large-scale folk clothing dancing that integrates folk clothing , dance , music and beauty promoted by Folk Art Group of Splendid China .

  3. 坦噶尼喀请愿事宜特设委员会坦噶尼喀非洲民族联盟青年团

    Ad Hoc Committee on Tanganyika Petitions Youth League of Tanganyika National Union

  4. 坦噶尼喀非洲民族联盟青年团

    Youth League of Tanganyika National Union

  5. 一九八○年四月二十一日会见阿尔及利亚民族解放阵线代表团时的谈话

    Talk with the delegation from the Party of the National Liberation Front of the Democratic People 's Republic of Algeria , April 21 , 1980

  6. 在政府的支持下,一些少数民族的文化艺术团与外国进行了交流。

    With government support , a number of cultural and artistic troupes of ethnic minorities have visited foreign countries . The paper-cutting artistic figure is a traditional folk art of this locality .

  7. 由中国民族博物馆承担的“多彩中华”中国民族服饰表演,是此次中国少数民族艺术表演团的重点内容。

    " Colourful China " China 's Ethnic Costumes Performance , organized by Chinese National Museum of Ethnology , was a key programme of the troupe .

  8. 论我国少数民族民间文学艺术作品的版权保护在政府的支持下,一些少数民族的文化艺术团与外国进行了交流。

    On The Copyright Protection of China s Minority Folklore ; With government support , a number of cultural and artistic troupes of ethnic minorities have visited foreign countries .