
mín yònɡ hánɡ kōnɡ yùn shū
  • Civil Aviation Transportation
  1. 民用航空运输的行为主体是航空公司。

    The action subject of civil aviation transportation is airlines .

  2. 全行业高速增长,力求又好又快发展&2006年年度中国民用航空运输业发展报告(上)

    2006 Annual Report on Development of China Civil Aviation Transportation Industry (ⅰ)

  3. 中国加入WTO对民用航空运输产业发展产生了深远的影响。

    China 's entering into WTO has made profound effect on the development of Civil Aviation of China .

  4. X航空是典型的国有民用航空运输企业,目前正处在整个公司战略转型和二次创业的关键时期,同时却又面临着诸多困难和问题。

    The X Air is a typical state-owned civil aviation enterprise , although it is in a crucial period of strategic transformation and second undertaking , the whole enterprise faced with many difficulties and problems .

  5. 开发水陆两栖飞机发展民用航空运输

    Amphibian Exploration & a Way to Development of Civilian Air Transportation

  6. 民用航空运输37.7万吨,增长8.6%。

    And by airways , 377,000 tons , up by 8.6 percent .

  7. 续签或修改原有的民用航空运输协定和协议;

    Renew or amend air service agreements and arrangements previously in force ;

  8. 飞行安全是民用航空运输的永恒主题。

    Flight safety is an eternal subject in air transportation .

  9. 我国民用航空运输业进入博弈行为分析

    Market Entry Game Analysis of China 's Civil Aviation Industry

  10. 民用航空运输机场水泥混凝土道面设计规范

    Code for design of cement concrete pavement civil transport airports

  11. 第二章:民用航空运输业的发展现状与展望。

    Chapter 2 : Current Situation and Future Development of Passenger Airline Industry .

  12. 2006年中期中国民用航空运输业发展报告

    China Civil Air Transport Industry Report for Mid-2006

  13. 民用航空运输系统在整个交通运输系统中占据着重要的地位和作用。

    The civil aviation transportation system takes a very important role in the whole .

  14. 华沙体系主要用于规制国际民用航空运输承运人的法律责任。

    The Warsaw System means to regulate the legal responsibility of international civil aviation carriers .

  15. 本研究应用风险管理之程序于国籍民用航空运输业定翼机航空安全之探讨。

    This research applies risk management procedures to the domestic civil aviation industry fixed-wing aircraft aviation safety analysis .

  16. AS公司是一家国营民用航空运输企业,地面服务部是其中一个直接面向旅客服务的重要部门。

    Is commercial airline , whose Ground Services ( GS ) Department is a division directly serving passengers .

  17. 1929年《华沙公约》的订立标志着国际民用航空运输业全球统一规制的开始。

    Warsaw Convention was concluded in 1929 , which marked the beginning of unified regulation of world civil aviation industry .

  18. (三)同没有签订民用航空运输协定的外国或地区谈判签订临时协议。

    Negotiate and conclude provisional arrangements with foreign states or regions with which no air service agreements have been concluded .

  19. 近年来,随着民用航空运输业的蓬勃发展,航班量不断增加,飞行量也越来越大。

    In recent years , with the booming development of civil air transportation , the amount of flights is mounting tremendously .

  20. 外籍民用航空运输业得为其它外籍民用航空运输业之客运、货运总代理。

    A foreign air transport enterprise may serve as general sales agent for passenger or cargo carrier service for other foreign air transport enterprises .

  21. 譬如说,香港特区与外国谈判签署民用航空运输协定,须经中央人民政府授权(第一百三十三条);

    For example , specific CPG authorisation will be required for the negotiation and conclusion of Air Services Agreements with foreign states ( BL 133 );

  22. 第二部分,简要地说明了政府管制的理论和内涵,同时,也阐述了政府管制与民用航空运输业的关系。

    The second part , to briefly explain the government control and , at the same time , the government control and the civil aviation transport .

  23. 随着我国民用航空运输需求的迅猛增长,空中交通变得越来越拥挤,航班延误现象越来越严重。

    With the rapid development of air transportation demand , air traffic is becoming more and more congested which results in more and more serious flight delay .

  24. 在民用航空运输中,运输服务的交换是其经济内容,而航空运输合同则是其必然要采取的法律形式。

    In civil aviation transportation , the exchange of transportation service is the economic content and the contract for aviation transportation is the necessary form of law .

  25. 该预测模型软件不但可以根据用户设定的平滑系数进行预测,还可以自动计算出预测效果较优的平滑系数,最终对2006年各个月份的中国民用航空运输总周转量进行了较为精确的预测。

    The software can calculate the optimum smooth coefficient and have accomplished comparatively accurate prediction to the total turnover volume of air transportation of China of 2006 .

  26. 民用航空运输业于自行营运前项航线时,应重新申请航线证书。

    When the civil air transport enterprise is able to serve the aforesaid air route on its own , a new air route certificate shall be applied for .

  27. 在国际民用航空运输中,国际空难是极为严重的航空事故之一,对国际空难情况下承运人对旅客赔偿责任的规制就显得极为重要。

    Air crashes are extremely severe aviation accidents in international civil aviation , so it is of great importance to regulate the liability of damage of carriers for passengers .

  28. 而作为视运输安全为第一要素的民用航空运输企业,一旦安全得不到保障,无疑威胁到企业的生存。

    As the civil aviation transportation enterprises , transport safety is the first essential factor . Once safety can not be guaranteed , X Air will not survive and develop .

  29. 随着民用航空运输业的飞速发展,我国逐年加大对大型机场工程建设的投入力度,以致机场建设进入了高速发展的新时期。

    With the development of higher civil air transport , the government increases construction projects in large-scale airport by year , resulting in airport construction entered a new period of rapid development .

  30. 服务范围包括机场地勤服务、飞行服务、飞行器动力工程、机场运营规划、空中交通管制和民用航空运输。

    Eside focuses on the service scope as airport ground service , flight service , aircraft engineering , airport operation and planning , air traffic control management and air transportation as well .