
mín shì shěn pàn
  • civil trial;civil adjudication
  1. 我国民事审判监督体系之考查

    A Review of the Supervisory System of the Civil Adjudication

  2. 论我国民事审判监督制度的改革

    Study on the Reform of Our Nation 's Civil Adjudication Supervision System

  3. TRIPs关于禁令和临时措施等规则在我国民事审判中的适用;

    The application of TRIPs concerning the rules such as injunctions and interim measures in the civil trial in China ;

  4. 据NPR新闻的杰夫·布拉迪报道,这起事件的民事审判正在新奥尔良进行,目前案件审理工作已进入第二周。

    As NPR 's Jeff Brady reports , a civil trial in New Orleans is entering its second week .

  5. 同时,与漏油事件造成的损害及处罚相关的民事审判至少可能拖延到今年年底。此前BP与代表渔民及其他在这次灾难中蒙受损失的人士的律师达成了和解。

    Meanwhile the civil trial over damages and penalties arising from the spill is likely to be delayed until at least the end of the year , after BP agreed a settlement with lawyers representing fishermen and others who lost money as a result of the disaster .

  6. 论宪法的司法适用与民事审判权的界限

    On the Boundary between Judicature Application of Constitution and Civil Jurisdiction

  7. 元代民事审判制度研究

    A Study of the Civil Trial System in the Yuan Dynasty

  8. 我国的民事审判方式改革应确定基本的方向。

    China 's civil trial reform must set its basic direction .

  9. 对我国基层法院民事审判组织的研究

    Research on Civil Judicial Organization of Local Courts in Chinese Mainland

  10. 国际条约在涉外民事审判中的适用

    On the Applications of International Treaties to Foreign Civil Trial

  11. 论公序良俗原则在民事审判中的适用

    The Application of Public Order and Good Custom in the Civil Justice

  12. 民事审判与民事执行比较研究

    Research of Comparison on the Civil Trial and Civil Execution

  13. 第二部分是战时民事审判的法律依据。

    The second part introduces the wartime civil law basis .

  14. 从民事审判看中级、基层法院的司法运作

    The Administration of Grassroots Courts from the Perspective of Middle-ranking Civil Trials

  15. 论行政裁决权与民事审判权的划分

    On Division of Administrative Ruling Power and Civil Judicial Authority

  16. 证据问题是民事审判改革的核心。

    Issues about evidences are the cores of the civil trial reform .

  17. 论我国的民事审判中的证据制度改革

    Discussing the Reform of the Evidence System in Civil Trial of China

  18. 民事审判监督程序是一种纠错程序。

    The trial monitor program is one kind of error correction procedure .

  19. 民事审判制度改革中的基础性问题

    The Fundamental Problems in the Reform of the System of Civil Justice

  20. 关于提高我国民事审判正当性的思考

    Reflections on the Promotion of the Legitimacy of Civil Adjudication in China

  21. 民事审判行为是民事诉讼的基本元素之一。

    The civil trial act is a element of the civil procedure .

  22. 法无明文规定下的民事审判&论修补法律漏洞的裁判制度

    Civil Trial without Law Provisions & From Perspective of Fixing Legal Loopholes

  23. 建立民事审判庭前听证程序初探

    On Installation of Previous Listen Procedure of Civil Trial

  24. 民事审判监督程序指导思想探微

    Probe on the Procedure for Supervision upon Civil Jurisdiction

  25. 论我国民事审判方式改革的原则及重点

    On the Principle and Emphasis of the Reform of the Civil Trial Styles

  26. 冲突与衡平&民事审判监督程序与既判力关系问题解析

    Conflict and Coordination & Relationship between Civil Adjudication Supervision Process and Res Trial

  27. 在我国的民事审判方式改革中,简易程序一直是改革的热点问题。

    Summary Procedure is a hotspot in the reforms of civil trial procedures .

  28. 我国民事审判方式改革中执行证据制度有关问题的探析

    On Problems Concerning Implementation of Evidence Rules in Reforming Ways of Civil Trial

  29. 我国民事审判应当走向独立;

    The civil trial should tend towards being independent ;

  30. 民事审判方式改革中的证据法问题

    Issues Concerning Evidence Law in the Reform of the Mode of Civil Trial