
sī fǎ bǎo zhànɡ
  • judicial safeguard
  1. 散居少数民族权益的司法保障

    Judicial Safeguard of the Rights of the Scattering Minorities

  2. 构建和谐社会的司法保障

    The Judicial Safeguard of Structuring the Harmonious Society

  3. 反垄断法的终极目的及其司法保障

    The Ultimate Aim of Antitrust Law and its Judicial Protection

  4. 论受教育权及司法保障

    On the Right of Receiving Education and Its Judicatory Guarantee

  5. 再次,分析了我国罪犯知识产权司法保障的缺乏。

    Thirdly , it analyzes the lack of judicial protection .

  6. 律师权利缺乏司法保障导致的风险;

    The risk of lack of judicial protection for the lawyers ' rights ;

  7. 公民基本权利司法保障的宪法学分析

    Constitutional Analysis on Judicial Safeguards for Fundamental Civil Rights

  8. 论诚信社会的司法保障

    On the Judiciary Guarantee of a Good-faith Society

  9. 论受众权利及其司法保障

    On Audience Right and Its Judicial Guarantees

  10. 国家责任:公民平等受教育权的立法、行政及司法保障

    Country 's responsibility : legislative , administrative and judicatory guarantee to equal civil right to education

  11. 和谐社会的法制保障包括立法保障、执法保障、司法保障和守法保障四个方面。

    The approaches of the legal protection of the harmonious society includes legislation , law-executing , judicature and law-abiding .

  12. 针对我国住房权司法保障的缺失,必须对现行住房权司法保障制度进行完善。

    Therefore , the system of judicial safeguard for the positive right to housing is in need of improvement .

  13. 第三章主要是对学生权利的司法保障问题提出自己的建议和对策;

    In the third part , the author proposed the suggestions and tactics to the student rights ' judicial protection .

  14. 公民宪法性基本权利的司法保障是我国法治建设的重要内容。

    Judicial guarantee of citizens ' constitutional basic rights are the major content of the construction of legality in China .

  15. 现行救济途径无法满足公务员人事争议保障之需要;公务员法虽然赋予公务员说“不”的权利,但未提供相应的司法保障;

    Judicial remedy for civil servant personnel dispute is the general practice in some democratic states under the rule of law .

  16. 之所以会出现上述现象,个中原因很多,但是司法保障的不完善与缺失,乃是至关重要的原因之一。

    There are many reasons for this situation , but the lack of judicial safeguard is one of the most important causes .

  17. 在司法保障方面,中国对侵犯公民宗教信仰自由权利的行为有明确的惩处规定。

    With respect to judicial guarantee , China stipulates clearly the penalties for the infringement of citizens ' right to freedom of religious belief .

  18. 我国税收司法保障体系尚未完全建构,税收司法保障差强人意。

    The security system of taxation justice in this country has not been completely constructed , and the security for taxation justice is just passable .

  19. 欧洲法院则利用其广泛和强制性的管辖权为欧洲中央银行体系的独立性提供司法保障。

    Under its extensive and mandatory jurisdiction , the European Court of Justice will provide solid judicial protection to ensure the smooth operation of the EMU .

  20. 劳动争议制度主要包括劳动争议的协调、调解、仲裁和诉讼,其中劳动争议诉讼是劳动争议解决的终极司法保障。

    Labor dispute System includes coordination , mediation , arbitration and litigation , and the labor dispute lawsuit is ultimate judicial safeguard of the labor dispute solution .

  21. 二是健全农民工劳动权益司法保障机制,及时处理涉及农民工的劳动争议案件,建立保护农民工劳动权利的法律援助体系。

    Complete the judicial guaranty mechanism , solve the labor dispute case right way and set up the legal aid system to guarantee the off-farm workers rights and benefits .

  22. 要实现和谐社会的司法保障,必须完善我国现行的司法制度,使之成为社会主义和谐社会真正的最佳保障。

    To realize the judicial safeguard of the harmonious society , our judicial system must be improved to qualify itself as the real best safeguard of our socialist harmonious society .

  23. 鉴于此,本文对税收司法保障法律问题研究这一命题进行了论证,在分析论证过程中,主要采用了系统论的研究方法、比较的研究方法和历史的研究方法。

    In the process of analysis argument , it adopted the main method is system theory of research 、 comparison of research method 、 the research of the history method .

  24. 在这部分,我们分别从公民基本文化权利的规范保障、司法保障、理念保障三个方面予以论述。

    In this section , we separately from the basic civil rights and cultural norms of protection , judicial protection , protection of ideas to be discussed in three aspects .

  25. 保障公民的受教育权平等迫切需要立法权和行政权的积极作为,并且必须为受教育权平等提供司法保障。

    It demands the positive act of legislative power and executive power to protect the equality of the right to education , meanwhile judicial safeguard must be offered to it .

  26. 住房权的司法保障经历了漫长的历史发展过程,而西方发达国家建构了较为完备的住房权司法保障制度。积极住房权的司法保障包括两方面的涵义:一是针对住房立法的宪法诉讼。

    In western developed nations , judicial safeguard for the positive right to housing consists of two parts . The first one is the constitutional litigation with respect to housing legislations .

  27. 并建立一些必要的制度,如律师的全面介入、对嫌疑人的司法保障和法官对交易的审查等等。

    And establish some necessary systems , for instance letting lawyer intervene all-sided , ensuring for the administration of justice of suspect and the examination of judge for trade and so on .

  28. 该部分是文章的核心内容,结合国外立法分别对刑事立法保障机制存在问题进行了分析,对刑事司法保障机制存在问题进行了分析,对刑事执法保障机制存在问题进行了分析。

    This section is the core of the article which combined with the criminal legislation of foreign legislative safeguards and the problems analyzed on the protection of the criminal justice system to analyze problems .

  29. 在刑事法律援助以外的援助活动中,法律援助的提供模式也分为三类:专职律师模式,司法保障模式,混合模式。

    For aid action out of criminal legal aid , the providing mode of legal aid includes three sorts : the style of staff lawyer , the style of judicature , and the style of mixture .

  30. 国家通过适当的法律援助计划,旨在使社会贫穷者和某些社会特殊群体在内的每个人都公平地获得司法保障和救济的机会,真正实现法律面前人人平等。

    Countries through appropriate legal aid scheme aim to ensure everyone including the social poverty and some of the special social groups have fair access to judicial protection and relief , and realize equality before the law .