
sī xiàn yuán
  • linesman
司线员[sī xiàn yuán]
  1. 四名司线员的职责是什么?

    What are the responsibilities of the four linesmen ?

  2. 司线员,请打信号。国际无线电对时信号

    Line judge , singal please . international time signals

  3. 裁判人员包括:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。

    Officials include an umpire , service judge , line umpire and scorer .

  4. 裁判人员包括主裁判、副裁判、记分员各1名和4名司线员。

    Officials include a referee , an umpire , a scorer and four linesman .

  5. 该地块的边界为大断层。司线员判断球是在界内还是界外。

    The boundaries of this massif are major dislocations . A line judge shall indicate whether a shuttle is in or out .

  6. 乒乓球比赛的正式工作人员包括:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。

    What officials are there in a game of table tennis ? Officials of a table tennis tournament include an umpire , service , line umpire and scorer .