
sī fǎ jǐnɡ chá
  • bailiff;judicial police
  1. 第二部分列举司法警察职业化的必要性和重要性;

    Second part states judicial police 's professional necessity and importance ;

  2. 司法警察支队长人格特征调查分析

    A Survey of the Psychological Qualities of Judicial Police Captains

  3. 司法警察的个性特征与心理健康状况调查

    Investigations of personality features and mental health condition for judicial polices

  4. 各级人民检察院根据需要可以设司法警察。

    People 's procuratorates at all levels may install judicial police as needed .

  5. 法与警:双向度建设司法警察执法实务课程

    Law and Police : Two-Dimensional building " Judicial Police Law Enforcement Practice " course

  6. 各级人民法院设司法警察若干人。

    People 's courts at all levels have a certain number of judicial policemen .

  7. 这些结果表明,司法警察支队长总体的心理素质较为良好。

    All these suggest that the psychological qualities of the judicial police captains are good .

  8. 司法警察专业警体课程设置与教学思路

    Course Establishment and Teaching Ideas of Policeman Physical Training for the Major of Judicial Policeman

  9. 长期以来,司法警察队伍从无到有、由小变大,饰演着愈发重要的角色。

    For a long time , the judicial police team play the important role more and more .

  10. 否则,司法警察极易坠入被边缘化的危险境地。

    Otherwise , the judicial police is extremely apt to crash into the dangerous condition of the marginalisation .

  11. 法官居于裁判的地位,司法警察或检察官行使逮捕强制措施前,都要向法官提出申请,法官启动司法审查程序,认为符合法定条件的就发布许可令状。

    As the judge owns the jurisdiction , the police and the procurator must apply to him before enforcement measures .

  12. 司法警察类职业院校要培养创新型人才就必须以创新的观念、创新的精神和创新的举措,实施创新教育。

    Thus , the vocational colleges of judicial police must carry out creative education which is based on creative notion , spirit and measures .

  13. 第四部分也就是本文的重点,又分四点着重论述司法警察职业化建设的对策。

    The fourth part , That is to say focal point of this text , expounds the fact judicial police professional construction countermeasures from four points .

  14. 症状自评量表、自测健康评定量表评分显示,一线司法警察心理健康状况显著低于二线,女性普遍好于男性;

    The SCL-90 and SRHS , mental health level of first-line polices was significantly lower than that of the second-line , the female better than the male ;

  15. 前项证人保护书,应送达声请人、应受禁止或限制之人及执行保护措施之司法警察或其它相关机关。

    The forgoing protective order should be delivered to the applicant , the prohibited or restrained person , and the executing judicial police agency or relevant authority .

  16. 检察机关司法警察是人民检察院机构设置中不可缺少的重要组成部分,有独特的职责范围,有自身的工作特点。

    The judicial police of the procuratorial organ is the indispensable part of the People 's Procuratorate institutions , with the unique responsibility range and its own characteristics .

  17. 司法警察院校有必要开设心理素质教育与训练课程,并在教与学、学与训中不断完善其课程体系。

    It is necessary to offer " educating and training course on psychology " , and keep perfecting the teaching system among teaching and learning , learning and training .

  18. 第11条本法第十七条所定司法警察官、司法警察,包括军法警察官、军法警察。

    Ram the Foundation Participate in the Examination Calmly ; Article 11 The judicial police officer or judicial policeman mentioned in Article 17 shall include military police officer and military policeman .

  19. 强化科研意识、明确科研工作方向以及加大科研管理力度应成为司法警察类高等职业院校科研工作的重点。

    It 's the main work to strengthen the idea of research , to unequivocal the direction of research work , and to enlarge the management of Judicial Police Vocational College .

  20. 方法对北京市836名司法警察采用症状自评量表、自测健康量表、艾森克个性问卷进行调查并与国内常模比较。

    Methods 836 judicial polices of Beijing were investigated with the Symptom Checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Self-rated Health Measurement Scale ( SRHMS ) and compared with national norm .

  21. 目的探讨司法警察的个性特点与心理健康状态的关系,制定北京市司法警察的艾森克个性问卷常模。

    Objective To explore the relationship between personality features and mental health condition for judicial polices to make the norm of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ) for judicial polices in Beijing .

  22. 司法警察工作是检察工作的一个重要组成部分,其工作的性质,担负的任务与职责决定了它具有极强的专业性,因此司法警察建设必须走专业化发展的道路。

    Job of Judicial Police is an important component of inspection whose nature , tasks and duties has determined the highly professional property . So the instruction of judicial police must be professionalized when developing .

  23. 我国现有的警察权设置具有垄断、广泛、重大的特征,对此应通过分权实现对警察权的限制,将行政警察与司法警察分立,行政警察内部再根据职责分工进一步分立。

    After the present condition of police power in China is examined in detail , the separation of power can be realized by restriction to the police power and differing the administrative police from the judicial police .

  24. 最后,简要描述了我国司法警察体制改革的初步构想,使之真正成为一个理论丰富并能够在实践层面运行得当的法律制度。

    Finally , this part also describes the preliminary conception of the organizational reform of our judicial police system , so that it can be a enriched legal norm which can be practiced appropriately in practical judicial activities .

  25. 其次,详细阐述了司法警察制度的重构设计原则,分别为属性匹配原则、系统性原则、独立性原则以及统分结合原则,使得建立完善的司法警察制度有了明确的原则性指导。

    Secondly , this part discusses the reconstruction principle of the judicial police legal system , they are the attribute matching principle , the systematic principle and the unified and decentralized principle , all of them make the judicial police legal system have concrete principled guide .

  26. 广东司法行政警察绩效考核问题研究

    Research of Guangdong Judicial Police Performance Evaluation

  27. 但是,包括杰弗里在内,许多研究土耳其问题的专家说,居伦的追随者一直在寻求通过渗入国家机构,在土耳其国内获得权力,他们在司法和警察部门最为成功。

    But many experts on Turkey , Mr. Jeffrey included , say the followers of Mr. Gulen have sought to gain power within Turkey by infiltrating state institutions , most successfully the judiciary and the police .

  28. 以司法权控制警察权,加强对警察权力的监督,本是法治社会下对警察权的行政本质深刻认识的结果。

    To strengthen the supervision over police power by controlling it with judicial power is the result of the thorough understanding towards administrative nature of police power in legal society .

  29. 加强对附带搜查制度的研究,对于有效遏制司法实践中警察的违法附带搜查行为,保障公民的基本宪法权利,促进经济社会的和谐有序发展,无疑将起到非常重要的作用。

    To strengthen research the system of Searches incident to arrest . For curbed the judicial practice of the illegal actions by the police search . Safeguarding citizens ' basic rights , promoting constitution of the harmonious and orderly economic and social development , will undoubtedly played a significant role .

  30. 进一步完善我国司法制度,建立警察出庭作证制度是必要的;

    In order to perfect our jurisdiction , it is necessary to establish the system for policemen to witness in court .