
dànɡ àn shōu jí
  • collection of document
  1. 接着,在.NET以及SqlServer的开发环境下,分析了系统电子档案收集的业务流程,实现了系统的主要功能,并考虑了系统安全性与可靠性方面的实现。

    Later , in the development environment of . Net and SQL Server , the paper analyzes the collection process of electronic records , realizes main functions of the system , and takes both systematic security and reliability into consideration .

  2. 林业科研档案收集方法与措施

    The Method and Measure of Archive Collection in Forestry Scientific Research

  3. 高职院校教师业务档案收集工作初探

    Collecting work of teachers ′ profession files at higher vocational colleges

  4. 二是切实做好基建档案收集、立卷归档等基础工作;

    To do well such basic work as collecting and filing archives ;

  5. 新时期高校的档案收集工作有其特定的重要性。

    Therefore , the work of archive collection is of particular importance .

  6. 档案收集是档案工作的基础,也是档案工作的起点与关键。

    Archive collection plays a basic and key role in archive management .

  7. 新时期高校档案收集工作对策研究

    Study on archive collection at colleges in the new era

  8. 浅谈档案收集与服务

    Simple discussions on the collection and service of the archives

  9. 档案收集是档案工作的重要基础

    Documents collection is the basis of the work of documents

  10. 高校档案收集工作标准化的价值和方法

    Standardization of the Job for Collecting the College Archives

  11. 也有可能把一组这样的档案收集并打印出来。

    It is possible to have group of these records collected and printed .

  12. 档案收集工作与有色金属科技企业无形资产保护

    Archives Collection and Protection of Non-physical Assets of Intelligence integrated Enterprise on Nonferrous Metals

  13. 完善档案收集工作的思考

    How to Perfect the Collecting Work of Archives

  14. 加强音像档案收集是机关档案室的当务之急

    To strengthen the collection of audio archives : the current emergency of Government Archive Office

  15. 浅谈如何开展好档案收集工作

    How to Carry out File Collection Effectively

  16. 浅谈电力企业的档案收集工作

    Files Collection in Electric Power Enterprises

  17. 教师业务档案收集工作的重要性当前高等学校教师业务档案管理的思考

    Pay great attention to the collection work of the teachers ' service files of the higher institution

  18. 除本集团内之各部门外,以曲奇档案收集之个人资料不会向任何第三者披露。

    Personal data collected by means of cookies will not be disclosed to any third parties except to those parties within our group .

  19. 高校科研档案收集工作存在问题及对策研究

    A search for the problems and the way to deal with them in collection of archives of scientific research in institutions of higher learning

  20. 分析了高校档案收集中存在的问题,提出了改进高校档案收集的对策。

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in archives collection of university , and advances some countermeasures for improving the archives collection of university .

  21. 可以把一组这机关报档案收集并打印出来。存储本档案的计算机程序已经研制完备。

    It is possible to have a group of these records collected and printed . Computer programs for storing whole texts are already well developed .

  22. 档案收集是构建社会记忆的重要来源,而开发利用则是将档案信息转化为社会记忆的重要途径。

    Archives collection is an important source of construction of social memory , and application development is the most important ways to convert file information into social memory .

  23. 文章着重从三方面谈了科技档案收集工作的重要意义,并对如何做好科技档案收集工作提出三个必要,再对基层档案工作提出具体要求,最后针对目前存在问题提出了相应对策。

    This article has expounded the significance of the collection of sci-tech archives from three respects , and proposed three requirements for better collection work and some corresponding measures .

  24. 近年来,高校的档案收集工作不能根据高校职能的变化,不能及时地调整归档范围,以致形成了误区,最终影响到档案的提供利用。

    In these years , the collection of university 's archives can 't adjust its scope timely according to the changes of university 's function , forming some erroneous zones and influencing the provision and utilization of the archives finally .

  25. 论述了科技档案收集工作的重要性,分析了当前收集科技档案困难的原因,提出科技档案收集和管理的对策。

    This paper expounds the importance of the collection of the sci-tech archives , analyzes on the reasons why the collection of the sci-tech archives is difficult at present , and advances some countermeasures for the collection and management of the sci-tech archives .

  26. 对湖南省疾病预防控制中心(以下简称中心)专业技术档案收集和管理的经验和需要改进的问题进行分析和探讨,并提出相应的整改措施,以加强专业技术档案的规范化管理。

    The collecting and managing experiences of professional archives and the problems in need of improvement in Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention are reviewed and analyzed . For strengthening the standardized management of professional archives , appropriate improvement measures have been advanced in this article .

  27. 为进一步做好档案收集工作,应争取领导重视,加强宣传教育,开展业务培训,健全档案干部网络,建立奖惩制度,认真做好非纸质载体档案资料的收集。

    In order to better the work of archive collection , this paper puts forward countermeasures in six aspects : trying to win leaders ' attention , strengthening propaganda and education , carrying out business training , perfecting carder network , establishing award-and-penalty system and careful collection of non-paper-based countermeasures .

  28. 谈学校科技档案的收集范围与方法

    Ranges and Methods in Collecting Scientific and Technical Archives of Schools

  29. 浅谈大学科技档案的收集

    A Discussion on the Collection of College Science and Technology Files

  30. 新时期高校教学档案的收集工作刍议

    On the Collection of College Teaching Archives in the New Period