
  • 网络macroeconomics;Principles of Macroeconomics;macroeconomic theory;Macroeconomic Principles
  1. 本文利用宏观经济学原理、计量经济学模型以及我国引进外商直接投资的实证资料,多角度分析利用外商直接投资对我国经济安全的影响。

    This paper demonstrates the influence by means of the macroeconomics theory , the econometrics model , and the data from China 's utilizing of FDI .

  2. 政策无效主张是新古典宏观经济学的基本原理市场出清、理性预期和只有实际变量才至关重要应用到相当标准的宏观经济模型之中的结果。

    The proposition of invalidation of monetary policy is the result that principles of the new classical macroeconomics-market cleaning hypothesis , rational expectations hypothesis and only the practice variable being the most important-are used into the quite normal macroeconomics models .